Arsenal Focus – Looking Forward to the New Season

It’s that time of year again. With little over a month to go before the Premier League restarts, the Arsenal squad (minus Almunia and Bendtner – hooray) are jetting off to Asia to prepare for next season, after a painfully long and totally undeserved holiday – apart from Jack Wilshere, of course – in which we had almost no football whatsoever to keep us going ‘til August. Mind you, I don’t think I could sit through another World Cup after last year. And I won’t be getting too excited about the Euros for next summer either.

Anyway, before you know it, it’ll be the end of April and you’ll be sitting there wondering how we could throw away the chance to win the title – again. But I have a feeling that may not happen this season.

I think, for the first time in a long time, I genuinely believe we have a decent chance this year. I’m not worried about Cesc or Nasri going, I think they’ll stay. Maybe not because they necessarily want to, but I feel Wenger will hold onto them for a little longer. Also, it finally looks like Wenger is starting to splash the cash, with Gervinho’s £10m transfer set to be completed. Let’s hope he’s not another Chamakh. We need someone to lead the line with Van Persie for the entire season, not just until Christmas. Fingers crossed, he might buy us a decent defender too, to play with Vermaelen. We really missed our No5 last season and another defender will make it seem like two new signings, and if Vermaelen can replicate his form from his first season with us, I can definitely see him form a terrific partnership with possibly Chris Samba or Per Mertesacker. As long as it isn’t Sebastian Squillaci. God Forbid.

It is also a big season for some of Arsenal’s existing players. Some have to prove themselves after what happened last season. No-one more so than Andrey Arshavin. Despite rediscovering some of his form towards the end of last season, including THAT goal against Barcelona, he still has some convincing to do and show that that was just a minor blip in his career as a Gunner so far, as another season like that will see him out the exit door, no questions asked. However, I do have faith in Arshavin. Expect him to shine next season.


It’s also a big season for Theo Walcott. He is more or less the opposite to Arshavin – he did fantastic last season, and didn’t even play his best. There are still those moments in games where you question his decision-making, though there are other moments where he shows displays of brilliance, reminiscent of Thierry Henry. But can he have another great season? Can he top last year’s 13 goals in all competitions? It’s a tough ask, what with Robin Van Persie being in fine form -no doubt he’ll be in the running for the Golden Boot this year - and possibly more new arrivals blocking him out of the team? Well, whatever happens in the transfer market, he will definitely have to fight for his place this season.

And speaking of the transfer market, it’s been another week of dodgy transfer rumours. I thought Kevin Doyle was bad – now we’re linked with Stewart Downing! Okay, he had a decent season last season, but he was not even the best player in an average team, with Ashley Young, Brad Friedel, even Darren Bent having more talent than him. (And by the way, Villa still managed to beat us at home last season).

Stewart Downing: No Thanks
Trying to ignore these rumours as much as possible, I have devised my Arsenal XI for the forthcoming season. I hope my ambitions match Arsene’s. What do you think?

Presenting the championship-winning side of the 2011/12 season:
W. Szczesny

B. Sagna                    C. Samba                                 T. Vermaelen                   K. Gibbs

T. Walcott                J. Wilshere                               C. Fabregas                     S. Nasri

                               Gervinho                                  R. Van Persie

Subs:     L. Fabianski, J. Djourou, E. Eboue, A. Ramsey, A. Song, A. Arshavin, M. Chamakh

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