Why Tevez leaving City is a big shame for the Premier League + other stories

It looks like Carlos Tevez will finally leave City and have his wish granted to take him closer to his home in Argentina. He may only be set for Brazil, but he has had success there in the past and will, without doubt have more with Corinthians. In this mini-tribute to possibly the Premier League’s greatest ever Argentinian, I think the Premier League will miss one of its most talented players ever.

Goodbye?: Tevez looks set to move
After just one year in England, he was wanted by all top clubs around Europe. And he really made his name at Old Trafford. There are a few players who can combine finishing and accuracy with strength and power. And especially for a little man, he certainly had the strength to hold off defenders, at times he was unstoppable. Thankfully, he did not have the best of records against my beloved Arsenal, but his talent was something to behold. What is it about Argentinian footballers? What can’t we bring up more footballers like him?

So how do you replace Tevez? With one of his Argentina teammates, of course. Man City are currently weighing up a bid for Sergio Aguero. But can he replace Tevez? Not sure. He had some great seasons with Atletico Madrid, but the last couple haven’t been anything truly special. One thing’s for sure, he will score goals. He’ll be much better than Edin Dzeko. I would still classify Dzeko as a waste of money. Two goals is not worth £27m. Aguero however, has been scoring goals all his life. And after all, you would play well if Diego Maradona was your father-in-law. How scary does that sound?

Aguero: Could be Tevez's replacement
If he can emulate Tevez’s success then City could well be challengers for the title this year. If they don’t replace him, they could struggle. And don’t forget, he hasn’t actually left yet, so could Mancini persuade him stay and buy Aguero too? That would be a deadly partnership. It’s not as if they’re short on funds. Though if Tevez does leave, we may never see a player like him in the Premier League for a long time to come.

Congratulations to the Japanese Women’s Football Team on winning the World Cup. It wasn't just a victory for them; it was a victory for football. Remember, they pulled a great shock in beating USA on penalties. Add to that coming from behind twice to get the draw. What’s more, the USA are one of the best sides in the women’s game; they have qualified for at least the semi-finals every single time. Take that Brazil! Pity England could not have done better...

Speaking of Brazil, anyone catch their abysmal penalty shootout performance the other night!? Paraguay didn’t do too well either, mind, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 2-0 penalty win before. It wasn’t even a good performance by the Paraguay ‘keeper. 3 out of 4 penalties were off target. Add to that the disappointment of going out of Copa America. That should drop them down a couple of places in the rankings, pushing us up to third (yes, third!) for the first time. After all, I think we can now safely say that England are better at penalties than Brazil.

Another week, another 7 days of rumours and deals done. Thanks to Liverpool for putting that Stewart Downing rumour to bed. Although, Liverpool are looking good for the new season. Having Suarez, Gerrard and Kenny Dalglish for a whole season can turn them into title contenders, and if their new signings impress, they could have a great season.

So who else looks good? Some might say Sunderland, but do you honestly think all those signings will make much of a difference? Buying United’s two worst players won’t bring much more success than they’re having at the moment, and what Asamoah Gyan is doing at that club, I have no idea. Mark my words, Sunderland will be stuck in a relegation dogfight again. Villa will struggle and so will Blackburn, plus all the promoted sides. Although, am I the only one who thinks Swansea could stay up? 

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