Arsenal Have Me Worried Sick

All my optimism from last week has vanished. After witnessing Arsenal draw against Thierry Henry’s New York Red Bulls in front of my very eyes, the prospect of a new Premier League season being just a fortnight away leaves me a very worried fan.

All Arsenal proved over the Emirates Cup weekend is they have not lost their ability to throw away leads. And also, when they throw away leads it is always a defensive mix-up. No guessing who was at fault for the first goal against Boca. That’s right, Squillaci. I’m getting sick and tired of writing his name in order to criticise him. He seems to be setting a trend among Arsenal No.18s – Mikael Silvestre and Pascal Cygan being the other poor players with the now dreaded number before him. Admittedly, his mistake in possession wasn’t half as bad as Djourou’s pathetic attempt at a slide tackle, which in the end cost us victory. Nevertheless, I’d still pick Djourou as our No2 centre back alongside Vermaelen, who looks as solid as always.

Squillaci: Just terrible
That said, if Arsenal are still active in the transfer market, then a new defender is urgently needed. I’m sure I wasn’t the only fan who was disappointed that Wenger tried to buy Phil Jagielka. What a waste that would've been! He needs to invest in a defender that can bring him long term success – like another Sol Campbell or Keown. But surely he knows this already – yet he is looking for players like Jagielka? Very confusing.

We need a world class star, or someone that has proven themselves to be a solid centre back – and quickly. Manchester United went off and bought Phil Jones way back in June and they don’t even need another player like him! Why would the team with the best CB partnership in the world buy another, when they have players like Chris Smalling and Jonny Evans as backup already? Even more confusing!

Back onto the Emirates Cup, it was a tough task to pick a highlight – the match or the performance wasn't really amazing. Thankfully, the return of Thierry Henry was certainly a memorable moment. The entire stadium – and I mean the entire stadium – imploded into rapturous applause when his name – appropriately read out last – was announced on the tannoy, though you would do well to hear it over the cheers.

Only a select few of the players in red and white – much better than the blue and black they wore on Saturday – could say they had a decent game. The usual hard workers - Van Persie, Vermaelen etc. put in a decent shift considering they had played on the previous day too. My man of the match, however, has to go to Tomas Rosicky. After thinking about it, it’s quite a rare game where he doesn’t put the effort in – he gave all he can on Sunday and set up the opener. I think he is quite underrated, as unlike in defence; centre midfield is an area in which we excel, and always have through the years. When the injuries start piling up – and they will – he could stake a claim to play more often in the first team.

Another vastly improved centre midfielder is Aaron Ramsey. Since his comeback from that injury he has been terrific; a goal against United last season, and not to mention a screamer on Saturday. It may have been a different story on Sunday – missing a sitter and being denied a certain penalty – but with Fabregas being unsettled and Jack Wilshere currently injured (fingers crossed it’s not too serious), this could be a more important season for Aaron than first thought.

So if the pre-season has taught us anything, it’s that we need a defender – fast, and we need to, well, defend better. That could be all it takes to make us successful, but if we start playing like we did on Sunday week after week, and unless the Benfica game proves me wrong, there could be gloomy times ahead for us Gooners.
