It Can Only Get Better…

I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that the opening weekend of the new Premier League season was one of the dullest I can remember. In fact, if it weren’t for ‘Kun’ Aguero, it would be extremely difficult to choose a highlight. This weekend’s football won’t take much to top the events from the last 7 days.

Last season, it took 3 weeks to produce a 0-0 draw. It really displayed the entertainment factor of the Premier League. This time around, however, there were draws galore. With the potentially game of the week, Tottenham vs. Everton called off, (which seems to have worked to Spurs’ advantage), there was still Liverpool and Arsenal left to salvage some opening day glory. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be – you know it’s a dull week when Bolton are on first on Match Of The Day.

Boring: Torres and co. left frustrated on opening day
It’s not all bad news, though. Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool all had bad starts last week and the Blues are even in the bottom half for once. And even though they won on the Sunday, Manchester United look like they have another Manuel Almunia in the making with David De Gea, who looks the complete opposite to predecessor, Edwin Van Der Sar. I’m hoping he keeps his consistency and Fergie will continue to play him, he is doing a fantastic job so far – from a non-Red Devil perspective, of course.

Unfortunately, that will delight their rivals, Man City, who seem to have proved you can buy success if you buy the right players. If they keep playing like that every week, they should at least be top at Christmas. And with Nasri looking to join them in the next few days, they’ll be much stronger. I think I speak for everyone else when I say I’d love to see their new players (Nasri, Clichy etc.), if they don’t win anything. I wonder what pathetic excuse they'll come up with. That would show them. Greedy beggars.

Another team that looks good this season, I have to admit, is Stoke City. I think their early season start in the Europa League has helped them and their goalless shutout against Chelsea was brilliant – even Chelsea should’ve had a couple penalties, but I suppose they think that every game.

So if the first week is anything to go by, apart from the lack of goals, this could be the closest fight for the title in years. I had previously written Spurs off (naturally, as a Gooner), but their European thrashing of poor old Hearts got me thinking. It couldn’t happen, could it? Surely not. I still have my doubts about Arsenal myself, about whether there will be enough strength in the squad to muster a title challenge. It all depends on Wenger. As for the Gunners’ next opponents, Liverpool, I suppose if they can’t beat teams like Arsenal they can’t win the title – I’m sure even the anti-Gunners will agree with me on that. For Chelsea, I’m sure they’ll find their feet under AVB – eventually – and I think Torres will start scoring, though mainly because AVB doesn’t seem to play Drogba very much (odd choice), rather than Torres just naturally scoring like he used to.

Unfortunately for us down south, (apart from the alarming rate of United fans down south), the Manchester clubs will be the ones to beat. I just hope the title won’t be tilted just based on the Manchester derbies. I hope someone – if not Arsenal – stops them from achieving total domination in English football (as long as it’s not Spurs). For reasons unknown, it seems like that is the way it is going. I pray, for the sake of football, it doesn't happen. Then the Premier League will just turn into another La Liga (without the silly fights).

No worries, though. I'm ready for a goal bonanza next week. Enjoy the football.
