Premier League Predictions 2011/12 - Red Devils Will Get A 20th Title

I've left it until the last day before the start of the season to predict what is going to happen over the next 10 months. It’s been a longer wait than usual for the football to start again, with no international fixtures and so on. Thankfully, and rather unusually for Arsenal fans like me, there’s been a bit of transfer activity to keep us going.

As far as the Premier League is concerned, it looks set to be one of the most competitive seasons yet. With United, City and Liverpool all spending big, and the constant threat of Chelsea and (hopefully) Arsenal and (not so much) Tottenham, it is extremely difficult to predict a winner. For me, however, I cannot look any further than the current champions.

After a faultless pre-season – featuring a win against Barcelona – Manchester United really do look the part this season. They have invested wisely over the summer; Ashley Young and David De Gea look like star buys. I’m not sure about Phil Jones – he won’t get many games – not this season anyway. But if Wesley Sneijder is on the way to Old Trafford they would definitely be the team to beat, if they aren’t already. Just look at their Community Shield victory for proof - simply brilliant.

Having said that, most of us thought Chelsea were going to walk it this time last year, before they dramatically collapsed before Christmas (and thanks to the Gunners, somehow ended up finishing second). Chelsea should have a decent season under new boss Andre Villas-Boas, but I don’t think he can win it in his first season – although Mourinho managed it. If they defy the odds and win it for him, Villas-Boas would undoubtedly be the miracle man he claims to be – and the reason for part of Mourinho’s success. However, their squad isn’t getting any younger and although they have brought in players that are young but largely inexperienced and not ready for the first team anyway.

United’s main title rivals should be neighbours City, although I can’t see them winning it. Or maybe I just don’t want them to win it, I don’t know. You have to admire the kinds of names they are attracting – and there seems to be a strange recurring theme over the last few years, but I can’t put my finger on it… Oh yeah, THEY ALL PLAYED FOR ARSENAL!! First Toure, then Adebayor (good riddance), Clichy and now Nasri! Not to mention Vieira and Sylvinho and Stuart Taylor before that! Maybe signing Kolo’s brother and Ian Wright’s son takes the argument too far, but you get the idea.

Arsenal are officially City's feeder club
Aside from ex-Gooners, they now have a squad of superstars, it will bring them success. I think they spend their money differently to Chelsea – when Abramovich came in they seemed to spend money for the sake of it. With City it seems more thought out and strategised rather than splashing the cash for no good reason. They could be in the Champions League for years to come and they will win more trophies – but may have to wait until next year for the Premier League though.

A quick word on the more relegation threatened teams – QPR and Swansea can stay up, but Norwich will definitely struggle. QPR have oodles of talent in their squad – they could comfortably take out half of the League on their day. Adel Taarabt is a great player – if they manage to keep him he could probably keep them up single-handedly. And with Neil Warnock at the helm they have one of the best English managers in the business. Swansea, of course, have the surprise factor and an amazing home record in Wales – and home form is vital for teams like theirs. Plus, they have an up-and-coming England striker in Scott Sinclair, who will also be vitally important to their success. Norwich, though have a mediocre team and haven’t added anyone strong enough to really boost their chances of survival – they will struggle for points both home and away.

Finally, here’s my prediction for the table come May:

1.       Manchester United
2.       Manchester City
3.       Chelsea
4.       Arsenal
5.       Liverpool
6.       Everton
7.       Tottenham
8.       Fulham
9.       Stoke
10.   Sunderland
11.   West Brom
12.   Bolton
13.   Aston Villa
14.   Wolves
15.   Blackburn
16.   QPR
17.   Newcastle
18.   Swansea
19.   Wigan
20.   Norwich

Have a great season, everyone!
