A True Test Of Your Loyalty

If there was one thing to bring me down from my pretty decent exam results last week, it would be an Arsenal defeat to United. Despite half expecting one in the first place, I was simply not expecting that. Think back to Sunday for a moment, if you can bear it. Now, that’s what I call a catastrophe. Forget my post from last week, and the week before that. Now we really are in a crisis – if you want us to be. I may be staying positive – are you?

Cheer up!: There's a long way to go
Let’s take a test:

Question 1: Did you watch the game on Sunday?
a)      Yes
b)      No
Question 2: Do you still believe in Wenger?
a)      Yes
b)      No

If you answer a) to both questions, congratulations. You are still a true Arsenal supporter. Or at least, I still consider you an Arsenal supporter. For the rest of you, take a look at yourselves. You’re clearly just scared because we have started the season badly. Suddenly, the heroics on Wednesday night have gone completely out of the window. People calling for Wenger’s resignation need to calm down.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy with yesterday’s performance one bit. You can blame the players and Wenger all you want, but asking for his head is totally out of order. We all know how frustrated we are at the moment, not helped by an already poor start and a lack of (good) signings. Not to mention a shipload of injuries, but the opposition never seem to accept that old excuse. (FYI, Manchester United, it was EIGHT injuries). But Wenger has worked his magic before and I’m expecting him to do it again.

The mood I am sensing from the Arsenal fans is that our season is over before August is even finished. I simply do not understand why or where this negativity has come from. Yes, it is normal to be angry after terrible results but you can’t keep calling to sack the manager after every one. We are 3 matches in. Who’s to say we can’t still win the league? We are in the four main competitions that we want to be in and have been given great Carling Cup and Champions League draws – so far. What is to be so upset about? We have the whole season ahead of us and if we keep this gloomy attitude between the fans it’s hardly going to help the players, nor the manager, for that matter.

There are reasons to be cheerful. One is that history is on our side. Back in 07/08, Man. Utd picked up just 2 points in their first 3 games and went on to win the league (although it should’ve been us that year). Also, the next three days (at least) hold a lot of promise for us, with exciting arrivals imminent, and if there’s one person to find that hidden gem out there – it’s Arsene.

Jack will save us all
As is rare with the international breaks, it really couldn’t come at a better time for the Gunners. It’s a chance to regroup; a chance to forget the past 3 weeks minus a great performance in Europe, and a chance to get some players back (i.e. Jack Wilshere).
We all know what is going to happen though. Even after we win against Swansea (fingers crossed), people will still rule us out of the title and all the rest of the competitions. I don’t know about you but I’m getting quite sick of this. It’s time we took the Premier League by the scruff of the neck and showed everyone we mean business. That added with new signings, less injuries, great support and maybe just a bit of luck, and this season can be the one where we finally end this wretched trophy drought.

Keep The Faith.
