Thank God For Club Football!

First of all, I would like to apologise for my absent post in midweek. Whilst preparing my post that half-praised, half-criticised England on Tuesday night, it appeared that the first week’s excursions to college had taken their toll, prompting me to just give up, and get some well-earned rest. I promise I’ll be back to normal this week.

I really hope that is a valid excuse for not posting, because I was struggling for things to comment on. One thing that stood out from the last 7 days was the reminder that international football weekend is a real chore to sit through and downright boring. Well, that’s the case for England fans, anyway. To watch a team with Young, Rooney and Terry limp to victory against Wales is not fun at all.

Thankfully, the international break only lasts a week. With the Premier League returning and many deadline-day movers set to make debuts, we can finally make some real judgements on the teams. All the ‘Big Six’ (I still don’t know why Tottenham are included in that group, no bias intended) are in action on Saturday and we should be in for an exciting weekend of football. Here’s why…

Arsenal signed 5 players in the last days of the window and need to get off the mark properly against Swansea. I’m very excited about the future of the club – imagine asking me that a few weeks ago! Now, Arteta’s no Fabregas, but he is more than capable of bringing success to the Emirates. The defensive worries should now be over thanks to the arrival of Per Mertesacker. The other signings will add great depth to the side which is a good thing considering the amount of bans and injuries we’ve had so far. I don’t think we’ve had so many debutants before! Fingers crossed for a Gunners win.

Is anyone else slightly worried that everyone will struggle to beat City this season? (By the way, I’m talking about Manchester, not Stoke). I just think they look unstoppable at the moment. Hopefully, the resignation of chief exec, Garry Cook, will have the same effect the sacking of Ray Wilkins had on Chelsea last season. It probably won’t, but just imagine… City 0-3 Wigan…

Liverpool’s trip to Stoke should be interesting. Liverpool are challenging for the title – well, they think they are, anyway – and Stoke will probably have a go at qualifying for Europe – which is something I consider more likely. Stoke are becoming an ever-increasingly frustrating side to play, because of their love for the long ball method. In many ways, they should be Arsenal’s main rivals in terms of philosophy. Having said that, I would love to see Kenny Dalglish’s smug Scottish face after a good thumping at the Brittania. Plus, Peter Crouch + Rory Delap = Goals. Why didn’t they think of that before? I hate to say it, but Tony Pulis is a genius.

Most punchable face in the Premier League?
As an Arsenal fan, I cannot run out of love for Sunderland Football Club for relieving Nicklas Bendtner of his Arsenal duties. I’m sure Chelsea fans will be pleased with that too, already knowing that their threat to goal is not going to take much effort in getting rid of. However, the same can be said for Chelsea, as Fernando Torres continues to flop. I’m glad AVB has come out and said he won’t play him, it shows he doesn’t mess about. However, who would he replace him with in Drogba’s absence? Personally, I hope AVB plays him and costs my Fantasy League rivals points. After all, Sunderland are so shocking at the moment, Chelsea will win easily, anyway. Who knows, Torres might even get a tap-in.

After the past few weeks, I really wouldn’t prefer to talk much about Man United and Tottenham for loyalty reasons, so I’ll keep it short: They should both be tested at the weekend; I’m hoping that United drop points and/or Spurs are still bottom of the table come Monday night. That will make my weekend. Honestly, it is a real joy to witness.

How good does that look?!
