Where Do We Go From Here?

Again, apologies. I’ll be brutally honest; the blog didn’t even cross my mind on Friday. I wasn’t even in college on that day – that’s how demanding it is. I need to get my head straight. Anyway, enough about my struggles, on to the football…

Words cannot describe what the Gooners are going through right now. After an extremely fortunate yet much-needed win over Swansea, followed by a valiant draw against the champs of Germany in Europe, the mood was uplifting and optimistic before the game against Blackburn. After the match, it was the complete opposite. We seemed to have taken a step forward and then two steps back. We’re not even back to square one. Arsenal are probably on something like square -4 by now. Especially when it gets to the point where Chelsea fans are still mocking us after they lose to United. That’s out of order.

No excuses: Koscielny needs to take a look at himself

What irritated me the most was how much the ‘experts’ such as Alan Hansen and co. were overhyping Blackburn’s performance. I admit, the first goal was quality, but when you get your goals from OG’s and an offside tap-in you don’t really have to play that well, do you? Yet everyone was applauding the Blackburn team when we played good with the ball (and technically, scored 5 of the 7 goals on Saturday). Our goals - and Chamakh’s once-in-a-blue-moon performance - were completely ignored.

The next irritating thing would have to be this overhanging uncertainty. We all had high hopes for Saturday and indeed the coming months, but I fear what happened on the weekend was a reality check. One thing is certain; our defence is nothing short of shambolic. No, correction: Koscielny is nothing short of shambolic. That sounds much better. I thought Mertesacker had a pretty solid game in my opinion, and could – probably should – have scored for us at the end. It just shows what could be – Per and Vermaelen are a partnership to end all partnerships. I think I speak for the Arsenal world when I say: Hurry back Verminator! (And we haven’t forgotten Wilshere, either, we need you on the pitch, pronto, Jack!).

Hurry back Jack!
So, what now? It seems that every game is must-win – even Shrewsbury tomorrow. The crisis has got that bad. Then it’s Bolton on Saturday – should be no problem, emphasis on the should. The problem is you can’t predict Arsenal’s results anymore, they’re that unpredictable. You could probably understand the Newcastle and Liverpool results, but not the mauling at Old Trafford or the stumble to victory over lowly Swansea. Dear, oh dear, what has this club come to? So many low points, can it get any worse?

What more can Wenger do? He made five new signings to save a deteriorating squad in terms of quality and I think he thought that the season would just take care of itself. If that was the case, that plan backfired, big time. Arteta, Gervinho and Mertesacker are real breaths of fresh air into the side but I’m afraid the squad is just not good enough still. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to think we won’t meet my predictions of 4th place, even if we do somehow get ourselves back on track. RVP, Ramsey, Szczesny and Arshavin have vastly improved this season but it won’t be enough to challenge for titles, not this year, at least. I really don’t like being this cynical towards my team but I can’t help but think what I’m saying is the truth.

Win or bust for Wenger
I reckon this is Judgement Season for Wenger. He has to either deliver, or go. I hate it when people say “But look at what he’s done for the club” except, does that even matter right now? I don’t think so. He can’t have the job forever. Change has to occur eventually. And if I’m honest, I’d rather it was sooner rather than later.

Keep The Faith.


  1. I think you would be silly to be optimistic till a serious change occurs at Arsenal.

  2. i clearly am not optimistic in the slightest - im fearing the worst! (not relegation, though, that's going a little bit too far)


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