Captain Van-tastic

Boy, was Sunday enjoyable. A little nerve-wracking at times, but on the whole, enjoyable. Finally, Arsenal produce a performance we can, for once, be proud of. The first 25 minutes of that match was vintage Arsenal, the Arsenal I remember. What followed was a reminder of our defensive frailties and inability to shut out beatable oppositions in a convincing manner. It felt like if we didn’t win on Sunday, the joy we experienced in the first 29 seconds of the match would not be felt again this season. Thankfully, we have legends at the club like Robin Van Persie to save our skins.

Legend. 'Nuff said.

I don’t think I’ve felt so relieved after a football match. We should’ve put at least 3 past Sunderland in 20 minutes but the team decided to return to their frustrating displays of late which was so different to the scintillating start we had. Only Arsenal fans can tell you how bad the feeling of anxiety can get in the closing minutes of a football match. I thought I was going to be sick at one point.

The only thing left to make this season a belated success is consistency. I don’t know if I’m being over-confident, but Sunday’s performance reassured me that we can get 4th place, if not better. My only worry is that we have become a one-man team. We can afford to rely on RVP to get us goals but only if we can keep him fit. I sincerely hope that we don’t become what Liverpool were back in the good Torres days – brilliant with him, weak without him. Surely Arsenal can’t stoop to that level. However, with other legends like Wilshere not even anywhere near getting in the team any time soon, imagine how lethal we’d be then. It’ll be like Fabregas never left. And that other guy…

Cesc who?
Unfortunately for the Gunners, the chances of reaching a decent level of consistency are threatened by the small matter of Chelsea in a fortnight. It would be fair to say title chances would look up with defeat there, but you can bet your life we’ll give a performance to remember – except hopefully for the right reasons. Once again, Van Persie’s mere presence on the pitch will play a big factor; he has such a massive effect on the team, and he’ll be key to our success.

The club owes so much to Van Persie. He is, without a doubt, one of the modern Arsenal legends – getting 100 goals for your club is no mean feat. He is this generation’s Dennis Bergkamp, and even that compliment doesn’t sound like it does him justice. What he has accomplished on the pitch is immense – especially when you consider he’s only won 1 FA Cup at the club (plus a hat-trick of Emirates Cups).

I’m sure there’ll be no prizes for anyone guessing that Barcelona will try and poach him from us this summer – and I’m sure they’ll do just that, probably for the next three years – Fabregas style. What is different between Cesc and RVP is that he has set the record straight, fully committed to the club. Sure, Cesc had an emotional connection to the club and at one time he assured he was going nowhere – which is always good to see in a player – someone who doesn’t leave the fans in limbo, playing guessing games.

With Van Persie though, his stay alone could attract more personnel and turn us into a title-winning side once again. Just think; the team will gel next season and we’ll be right up there – that’s if we get past the inconvenient annual big injury that happens every single season without fail.

So, at last, largely thanks to one man, it looks like the club is on the way forward. Finally, the team is in the ascendency and ready to take on anyone who stands in our way. Bring it on, United, we’re coming for you!

Come on you Reds!
