Karma’s A Bitch!

Revenge is always sweetest in the form of karma. Well, I suppose you had it coming, United fans – stop moaning. Sunday was truly incredible; disastrous for United fans, hilarious for everyone else. But that’s what you get when to rip London’s most successful club (not Chelsea) to shreds. I would have been content with a 0-1 win for City, myself, but a 1-6 scoreline is simply beyond description. But for all of City’s heroics, they’ll probably have the title stolen from under their noses by their rivals in equally-dramatic fashion.

Now we’ll see who the real fans are, wherever they come from. Some will do what any loyal football fan would do and stick by their team through thick and thin, while the others will go dig themselves some sort of football hole and never go near the sport again.

As for the match itself, I don’t think I’ve laughed so much at a game of football. By United’s high standards, I was already on the floor after 0-3; by the final whistle it was just silly. I felt embarrassed for them, that’s how bad it was. They were outplayed and outclassed all over the pitch. If that’s not justice for the 8-2 debacle, I don’t know what is. It’s definitely the biggest shock in Premier League history. If it weren’t for Tottenham winning, it would’ve been the perfect week, especially after the just-as-amusing events in the Chelsea game.

Arguably even more hilarity ensued at Loftus Road. Of course, the fact that QPR were beating Chelsea in the first place was funny enough, but two red cards? Absolutely comical. Not to mention the other 7 yellows that sent Chelsea players ballistic towards Chris Foy, everyone’s new favourite referee. Also, David Luiz’s facial expressions never ceased to amuse me - that guy must be on something. Or maybe it’s just the hair… Either way, he’d blend right in to some sort of mental institution. If he cut out the diving he could be a decent player, too.

Anyone a bit freaked out?
There was talk of John Terry being racist to Anton Ferdinand. For God’s sake, some people would do anything to land players in hot water. Even to the extent of rewinding and then recording their Sky+ on a cheap camera to try and wrongly accuse Terry of racism. I admire the way John came out and said he denied racism in the nicest possible way, making him sound like a harmless and peaceful person. All that said, what was clear from the video was that he definitely DID say: “YOU F***IN’ BLIND C***, F***IN’ ********!” But I’m sure he’s a nice person in real life – unless you’re Wayne Bridge, of course.

Talking of that match that was shown on Sky Sports, surely I’m not the only one absolutely fed up with Ray Wilkins? Not only is he biased, monotonous and extraordinarily boring, he is the worst pundit on TV. He makes Alan Hansen look like Pele. He is nowhere near a replacement to Andy Gray, he’s more of an insult. The only positive to come out of the Gray-Keys scandal was that Gray’s no longer on FIFA, though on Sky I do miss that vigorous Scottish accent of his.

How biased is Wilkins towards Chelsea? When Luiz dived in the area, he was claiming that “he was picked up and thrown to the ground”. How desperate can you get? It was a blatant dive and he knew it. (Cue another eye-boggling look from Luiz) Another thing he does is point out the obvious and doesn’t ‘analyse’ anything, despite his job description. He needs to lighten up; I’ve got more charisma in my little finger than inside that numb skull of his. As if having Gary Neville in the studio was bad enough; Wilkins needs to go. Bring back Andy!

Away from the so-called ‘big boys’ of the Premier League (Spurs not included), it’s been another good week for The Arsenal. Our season has reached new heights – low heights, I admit, but, just like the motto on the club badge, the club is on its way Forward. Thanks to RVP and co., everyone looks like they’re gelling together nicely now. It’ll only be a matter of time before we knock Newcastle off their lofty perch. They won’t stay 4th for long. Sunday’s match against Chelsea will be the last straw if we are ever going to win the title this year, though. Hopefully, with their dodgy form and suspensions galore could spur us (ironically) onto victory.

Come On You Reds!
