Manc Derby!

It’ll never be as good as the North London derby, but Sunday’s Manchester version still holds the same amount of excitement and entertainment for all the neutrals out there. It also has massive importance over where the title ends up – though I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for an Arsenal miracle. If there was something about it that was better Spurs v Arsenal, through no-one’s fault but our own, it is now undoubtedly the most high-profile derby in English football.

If the drama from the Community Shield is anything to go by, we should be in for a treat. Except I won’t be watching for the entertainment, I’ll be watching hoping for a draw, as Arsenal need to make up any points they can get! I suppose, at the end of the day, one team will drop points so I’d probably rather United won (and I keep forgetting it’s City at the top, doesn’t the table look odd like that?)

One positive for non-Manchester fans – that’s people who don’t support City or United, not the army of glory hunters who live elsewhere – they were both quite shocking on Tuesday night, and in more ways than one. City weren’t at their best by any means and extremely boring to watch – I fell asleep in my dinner watching them! I’m glad I woke up when Mancini started going berserk on the touchline, I love it when people you’re supposed to ‘hate’ act like a loony in front of the entire continent.

United weren’t much better. What is so frustrating about United is that they can afford to rely on two stupid penalties to win against so-called ‘minnows’ Otelul Galati, and they’ll still power themselves towards another title without such difficulty. What makes it even more annoying is that they did it with ten men. Ferguson came out and defended Vidic’s horrendous tackle, saying that he got sent off because “German football is different to English football”. Rubbish. When you go in that high, it doesn’t matter where you come from, it’s a bad challenge! I’m sure Mr Clattenburg won’t hold back in showing a few cards on Sunday…

One player the ref is going to have to keep an eye on is Patrice Evra. He claims that Luis Suarez was racist to him last week at Anfield. Surely Suarez isn’t a cheat AND a racist, although I don’t think handballing on the line is cheating, I’ve always said it was instinct. I reckon Evra’s one of those players to make a right meal of things; one who tries to get players sent off etc. I hate it when any player shows an imaginary card to the ref (unless it is justified of course, some refs are too nice!); on Saturday Evra blatantly tried to get Downing booked at least, and the bickering that went on with Suarez was surely nothing more than a case of him getting wound up (nice one, Luis). I bet it was just because they were behind and he’s a sore loser. What a twat. I genuinely think Evra’s a piece of work. If he wants to cheat, maybe he should join Barca, and then we’d both be happy.

Nuisance: Evra
If there was a Man. City equivalent to Evra then they’ve got more than enough temper tantrum levels in Mario Balotelli, though I think he’s calmed down a little, and he’s started scoring too, so we may just be about to start seeing the real Balotelli now. However, as my little Fantasy League experiment worked a treat last week (you’re welcome, Gooners), I’m afraid I won’t be expecting goals from Mario on Sunday. Having said that, Aguero and Silva can probably win it for City single-handedly, or should that be double-handedly?

It’s going to be tight. But, as United have shown more than enough times this season, their home form has been second to none, and the amount of goals going in for them is quite frankly, frightening. It looks like home advantage will give them the upper hand over City. I reckon it’ll be 1-1 for a long time before United nick two dodgy goals in true United fashion.

We've started to win games, can you believe it?! 
As for the Arsenal, it’s another must-win game for us against Stoke. I think all our games are going to be must-win until we reach the top. I never thought I’d say this as an Arsenal fan, but by Monday morning I hope we’re at least in the top 7! We have improved immensely over the last few weeks and it looks like we might have a decent defence after all, if Wednesday night was anything to go by. All we need now is a little consistency and Jack Wilshere to return better than ever, and we might get to enjoy this season after all.

Come On You Reds!
