Not A Great Time To Be A Gooner

Let’s face it, we’ve had better times. This is, without a doubt, my worst time as an Arsenal supporter. It’s important we stay strong, Gooners. As for the others, let them mock us, I say. Let them have their petty little 8-2, 4-3, 2-1 jokes etc. because we are not like them. You know what they say, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and that certainly rings true in this case. Through these most torrid of times we have proved we have the best fans in the league, if not the world, and it’s about time we really got behind the team – before it gets even worse.

I’m sure Spurs fans wouldn’t agree out of spitefulness, but we were robbed on Sunday. A handball goal, followed by an extremely dodgy fluke from an overrated left-back (he’s in the England squad for that!) People criticising Szczesny for that goal are morons. The ball clearly moves down in the air and although his reflexes are superb at times, he ain’t perfect, no-one is. He is the best ‘keeper we’ve had since Lehmann and his criticism is quite surprising and unfounded, for me.

Not nice to look at, is it?

Other fans always say we moan about injuries – but they can’t exactly blame us, can they!? Why do you think we had one of our most consistent midfielders at centre back? We had four central defenders out (Vermaelen, Djourou, Koscielny and Squillaci) and Song was better than Mertesacker yesterday. (I do hope he is still settling in, he was awful.) Speaking of other injuries, that’s just the defensive issues. We still have Wilshere out too, and just this afternoon it was revealed that Sagna broke his leg yesterday, so we could do without any more in the next few weeks, at least.

When will people realise that the source of the problems is the players and not Wenger? Wenger is clearly not telling them to go out there and play like that, you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to work out that it’s the performances rather than the tactics that are keeping us down in 15th.

Wenger is the man to take us forward, make no mistake about that. The defence is a shambles – that’s not even a strong enough a word to describe it. Our passing was terrible, not like it was back in the Fabregas era. It just shows what an impact that guy had, and the trouble is, we don’t really have another player like him. I don’t think Arteta at his best is half the player Fabregas is.

I can’t stress enough the importance of the fans to the club. I’m sure many fans agree, but I don’t feel that there are enough who appreciate the job that we have to do as supporters of this great club.

Anyway, if the fans don’t do their part, at least we’ll have the Arsenal legends to reassure us and build some confidence, right? Wrong. What kind of good does Lee Dixon think that saying that we can’t get into Europe at all will do? I don’t mind players speaking their mind, but that is just negative thinking. Ian Wright speaks a lot of sense. If RVP doesn’t want to discuss his contract, so be it. If we’re not winning trophies, then we don’t deserve players with talent such as his at the club.

Alan Smith’s at it too. He’s saying we won’t finish in the top four and SPURS will! One thing I did agree with him on is that it is going to be a “painful, long season”, and we’re going to have to stay united, stick together and make sure that we can collectively carry this club forward.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will know I am an optimist. I’m always looking for that little bit of positivity to keep you guys going for another week. If you share my level of optimism, you will see that the treble is still very much realistic. Champions League football will bring an extra oomph to our performances, and the closer we get in the cup competitions, the more we’ll want it. Don’t tell yourself the season is over already, even if you are, week after week.

Keep The Faith.
