Weekend Hurry Up!

I really do hate international week. It is, without a doubt, the most boring period in the football calendar. Pity it has to come along six times a season. And for some reason, Saturday always seems an eternity away as football fans painstakingly get through 7 days of pure mediocrity. What makes it worse is that England aren’t playing in midweek. Fortunately, I have my Greek roots to thank to give myself some interest tomorrow night (come on Greece), so I can only imagine how tedious it is for the rest of you.

Not exactly fun to watch...
There’s something missing from international games. It doesn’t have the same drama and controversy as the Premier League. One round of Premier League matches is more than enough to keep me entertained for a week; however a whole load of international fixtures from all over the continent fails to excite me in such a way.

There is also little to talk about after matches like this, even after Rooney’s red card. Last week we were talking about Rodwell’s erroneous sending off, piss-poor goalkeepers and Arsenal’s continuance to fail to win games, albeit in a match where a handball and a lucky punt were enough for the Gunners to become the ridicule of North London, though I may add for the first time in a while.

So what has happened since? Not much. It has been that uninteresting that I have considered numerous times abandoning – God forbid – my post this week. But, because I didn’t want to let you guys down, I’ve been forced to delve deep into my cranium to find something worth talking about.

One story that has been hogging the limelight recently is Carlos Tevez’s ever-nearing exit from Man. City. It’s always nice, especially as an Arsenal fan these days, to see top clubs in disarray. I wonder if this saga will have an effect on the team. There have always been doubts on Mancini’s leadership styles, ever since the Adebayor days at City.

I think some people forget it was not only Tevez who had an issue with Mancini that night – Dzeko had a go at him too – he duly apologised, but clearly there is still a hint of disorganisation in the City ranks. What’s more, they seem to be in the middle of a striker crisis, with Aguero, Tevez and possibly Balotelli – who has his own behavioural problems – out for Saturday, which is great news for the rest of us. Long may the chaos continue.

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about: How have the promoted sides done so far? Pretty good, I’d say. Although, if I’m using my team as a benchmark for success, then pretty much every team (apart from Bolton) can argue they’ve done alright up to now. I still fancy two of them to go down, though. Norwich will crumble, eventually. That is a certainty. I can see Swansea and QPR staying up, but their gaffers are going to have to do one hell of a job to pull it off. You can’t help but think if Ian Holloway can’t do it, then not many more can. I think the Premier League is missing something since Blackpool left. I was secretly supporting them last season and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was sad to see them go. I hope they return some day.

Judging by this season so far, I think most of my predictions are coming true, along with some of my fears. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Man. Utd run away with the title. It looks like Man. City will give them a fight for top spot with Chelsea too, but I don’t expect Newcastle to stay in the dizzy heights of 4th place for much longer. If they’re still there at Christmas I will eat my words. I don’t want to admit it, but I think at this moment in time, Tottenham can cheat their way to fourth. And is predicting a top six finish for Arsenal a bit ambitious? It’s starting to sound that way.

Don't get too happy, Newcastle fans
Before I finish, I do apologise if today’s read was not up to usual standard. I didn’t exactly have the time of my life recalling my thoughts on the quite forgettable last 7 days, but who said that blogging was going to be all fun? Don’t worry, I’ll think of something more entertaining for Friday.

Come On You Reds!
