FIFA Can Go To Hell!

“Dear FIFA, I just thought I’d let you know, that even without all the mass corruption that has plagued your shambles of an organisation in the past, you are a pathetic disgrace.”

If I was writing a letter to Sepp Blatter and his incompetent colleagues, venting my anger at their refusal to allow England to wear poppies against Spain, that’s how I would start it. It is completely unreasonable for them to even have the power to stop us wearing them. And as if our impressions and relationships with FIFA weren’t strained enough, this is a huge middle finger from them.

Why shouldn’t we be allowed? FIFA say “member nations cannot adorn their shirts with ‘commercial’, ‘political’, or ‘religious’ symbols or messages.” Pathetic. If they're worried about offending people, they must be deluded - who in their right mind is going to take offence to a poppy? The overflowing amount of foreigners in the Premier League were wearing them on the weekend - and there were no complaints about that, why would there be? If FIFA seriously believe that either Spanish people, or German people would have a problem with that, then maybe we should tell them straight that pretty much the entire footballing world (apart from Russia and Qatar, of course), has a problem with them.

FIFA also said afterwards "that accepting such initiatives would open the door to similar initiatives from all over the world, jeopardising the neutrality of football." What a load of BS. If another country came out with some extra emblem on their shirt to remember the dead or something, would we give a damn? Of course not! Does FIFA think that everybody's still racist or something? Again, pathetic.

It's not as if it was only British troops killed in battle. If anything, we should be applauded by showing that football remembers these heroes who fought for our very existence. I'm not too aware of any other countries symbolising the war through football. Maybe we can change all that. Maybe we can be the first to express our feelings towards respecting those who lost their lives saving our country. It only makes sense to commemorate them while our national team plays.

What angered me the most was that FIFA said we COULD wear armbands. How are armbands different to poppies? The point is that we are remembering them by wearing them; I don't understand what authority an armband has that a poppy doesn't. The armband will still be worn as a 'political message', so they're either huge hypocrites or they don't like the poppy because it brightens up the shirt a little. It's not even a real poppy, for crying out loud!

When will FIFA learn? Why do the people in charge always have to be the most inept human beings on the planet? None of this is unethical, none of this is immoral, it is really just common sense; the world will not suffer for 90 minutes of remembrance. The crazy thing is, they're allowing the minute's silence before the game, but refuse to allow us to display a memorial alongside the badge. It makes the entire fiasco look incredibly petty, and once again, pathetic.

I hope FIFA are proud of themselves. They know that in an ideal world - a correct world where all common sense should prevail - they are fully in the wrong. They are a disgrace and a massive let-down to this country, if not the world. Either we stand up to FIFA and let them know how outraged we are by this lamentable embarrassment, or alternatively show to the world what a complete waste of space they are. I reckon we should wear the poppies anyway, and if they decide to punish us, we'll unleash the beast that is Wayne Rooney onto them. That would shut them up.

I don't think it matters who you support, I think I'm right in saying there is no-one in this country who believes wearing the poppy is wrong, or that any country respecting the dead in any way is either. We have taken too much flak from FIFA in the past for us to go out quietly on this issue. It's time we hit back.

