I Hate The Feeling Of Frustration...

Can't say I've felt that feeling too often, mind. Tonight was a huge chance to close the gap on United after their laughable draw against Newcastle, and we fluffed it, big time. At the end of the day, one point isn't enough to say that we've had a good week - thanks to our terrible start to the season, every game is - or certainly feels like - must win, and this draw just makes me feel like we're a long way away from the winning Premier League titles if we throw away silly little games like this. Thankfully, United's draw eased my pain a little.

At least we had poor referees in common. I admit, Mike Dean (Arsenal's ref), wasn't as dreadful as my new favourite referee, Mike Jones, but I think we can all agree they had poor games. 

Maybe I'm just annoyed and using the referee as an excuse (works most of the time), but I couldn't help but realise he was being slightly biased towards Fulham. Not to mention Chris Waddle on ESPN, typical Spurs fan. No Spurs fan or ex-player should be allowed to commentate on Arsenal matches unless we are thrashing the Scum and we can revel in their sorrow. I remember when he slated Theo Walcott for having 'no football brain'. I'm sure he'll be eating his words now - Theo has improved immensely. I watched him against Liverpool back in August and he was so ineffective. He is looking much better now. His crosses are improving rapidly every game. He'll be the best winger in Europe in no time.

I can imagine a lot of United fans feeling angry and confused this weekend. Who'd have thought it, the team who always get dodgy penalties and score offside goals galore have an acrimonious penalty given against them and then an excellent piece of officiating disallowing them a goal at the death in the same game? Well, there's a first time for everything! Hopefully, this won't be the last...

The good news for Arsenal is that our chance to bounce back is against lowly Wigan, who somehow won today - must be a full moon or something. December's a tricky month and we come through it unscathed I will be full of hope for this season. To think where this club has come from in the past few months; from the game that must not be mentioned to the epic 5-3 at the Bridge; now we're top of the Champions League group and before today, flying high in the Premier League. We shouldn't let one draw dishearten us too much. As I've said a fair few times this season, keep the faith, Gooners, we can't win every game.

I guess you can blame me for Chelsea bouncing back after their sudden collapse against Wolves. Why? The old Fantasy League trick worked, inadvertently. With me thinking it was clever to sell Terry and Mata in fear of another Chelsea shambles, in hindsight, it's not the best piece of tactical management I've ever done. That said, I still think Micah Richards and Charlie Adam are adequate replacements. Sitting fourth in my Fantasy League table whilst trying to defend my crown which I pretty much walked home last year, I guess this is what Wenger felt like a few months. All I need is a bit of trust, there's still a long way to go.

Onto more serious football matters; the Carling Cup quarter finals are this week. I'm off to the Emirates (for 10 quid!) to see the City game. If we get past City now, that could have another big effect on our season - no English side has beaten them this season. I hope we remind City that this is our competition and our kids are ready to finally win something for us. It'll be interesting to see what team Wenger plays, 'cos it'll take a decent side to beat City. As long as we don't play Squillaci, though, I think we'll have a good chance.

Please Arsene, don't, just don't.
Come On You Reds!
