An Almost Perfect Week

Arsenal fans have been through the motions this past week. 4 days after the disappointing but heroic defeat against City, our title hopes looked all but over, we’re outside the top four and nothing much else to fight for in the league apart from local pride. Yet the performance against Villa last night was one of champions.

Ironically, Villa equalised through poor defending, through Vermaelen of all people – something we haven’t seen in the last couple of months. Nevertheless, we kept fighting on, and besides, one of our gazillion corners that we had last night had to go in eventually. And what a great finish it was, too. I definitely want to see Benayoun sign on a permanent deal. The guy works his socks off, and for someone who doesn’t play every week, he’s got bags of commitment. I can’t see it happening but I’d love to see him stay for keeps.

There’s been people urging Wenger to bring the King (Thierry Henry, in case you didn’t know) back to the Emirates. Unlike what seems to be the majority, I don’t want it to happen. We all saw that he’s still got it when he came over with the NY Red Bulls but there’s no guarantee that he’ll produce the same goods that he did before. There’s plenty more strikers that can do a better job in the long run and it’s best that we remember him in an Arsenal shirt when at his best rather than going out with a whimper.

"I'm innocent!"

This week wasn’t perfect for two reasons: One, we’re going to be behind Spurs at Christmas. Two, it was a football week dominated by off-field goings-on. The racism scandals that have rocked football reached their ‘verdicts’. Two pretty similar cases, yet two very different outcomes.

Suarez’s punishment, at least for the time being, seems a little excessive. For the amount of evidence they had, it seems odd how they can berate Suarez for racial abuse, and where they plucked the number eight from, I do not know - a bit of a random ban length. Not to mention the measly fine that came with it. £40,000 is like £4 to him, why bother? It’s not even a week’s wages.

Most of the ‘evidence’ that they had to work with was based on Patrice Evra’s complaint. It may be no more than a case of him getting badly wound up. I’m probably wrong, but I’d say the claim about being abused 10 times is a bit OTT. It’ll be interesting to see what the truth is. Whatever the true outcome, I do think the shirt stunt was a bit much. Especially when he was wearing a shirt of himself – himself. As long as he and/or Evra gets what they deserve. Fingers crossed justice will be served.

As for John Terry, he has been charged with pretty much the same crime, but he gets to go to court and a maximum fine of two and a half grand. Sounds like he got off lightly. I’ve never believed that he was racist to Ferdinand, but the length of this investigation has got me thinking. People have said he should give up his captaincies – what the hell for? He is being investigated for racial crimes. That’s why he’s going to court. What would be the point of him giving the captaincy of Chelsea and England if he isn’t found guilty just to take it back again – especially since he says he’s innocent. Pointless. Wait ‘til the court case.

Some are asking whether he should even play for England at all. Don’t be stupid. It really puts Rooney’s red card into perspective. I don’t think his career should be jeopardised by this incident. I would understand stripping him of the armband – again – if he’s found guilty but he is at this moment in time he is definitely more than deserving of a place on that plane. Anyone who saw that block from Adebayor tonight – which I am very grateful for – will back me up on that.

It’s been more or less a week to forget for football. Once all this mess is cleared up we can start talking about great goals again instead of so-called bad citizens.

Tomorrow I’ll be talking about the Boxing Day (and the day after) matches. Come On You Reds!

P.S. Christmas does tend to get in the way of blogging. Sorry about that.
