A Missed Opportunity

Arsene Wenger spoke my mind yesterday. That draw was a great opportunity to gain some ground on City and huge blow to any remaining title aspirations, though we could have easily put 5 or 6 past Wolves any other day. A win yesterday really would have made my Christmas, but it seems we may have to finally turn our attentions to the Champions League, unless there are some really optimistic Gooners out there.

What looks to be for sure is that we’ll have no problems finishing in the top four. Hopefully, we’ll be knocking out Chelsea out of the Champions League places in the process, and fingers crossed, finishing above Spurs too. I still think they’ll eventually drop stupid points just as we did yesterday, but I’d do anything to finish above Spurs; every time they win it makes me wonder.

I’m afraid that’s all I can muster for today. I don’t know if it’s recovering from the Christmas turkey or the fact that that’s all to say about Arsenal at the moment. All that is left is to hope that we can get another 3 points against QPR on Saturday to end the year on a high. I’m not sure if the title should be on our radar anymore but there’s still plenty to fight for. 3rd looks like most realistic target we can aim for, while we know that we can beat anyone on our day, injuries permitting, there’s no reason we can’t add a Champions League trophy to our desperately empty trophy cabinet (you’ll need no reminding).

Come On You Reds!
