A Proper Super Sunday

As most of us had expected, the quality of football today wasn’t all that. The reason? A proper belter of a Sunday still awaits us, and I can’t wait. However, all my excitement could soon turn to misery if Arsenal don’t produce the goods against City. I think it’s yet another make-or-break moment in this on-and-off season.

The great thing about the crunch matches is that someone’s bound to mess up. Loftus Road is turning into something of a fortress – to the bigger teams at least – and they can cause a United side low on confidence problems. I wonder if the kick-off time could be a factor – expect Fergie to blame the 12pm start if they fail to win. Although, it will be 12 vs. 11 with Howard Webb being the referee so maybe a United win is on the cards after all. Let’s hope not.
He wears it under his shirt, I swear.
Provided that Barton and co. can compound some domestic heartache onto Sir Alex’s men, I’ll be watching the Villa-Liverpool game still with high spirits intact. Villa haven’t been too bad, recently they’ve only lost to United and Tottenham and otherwise picked up some decent results. And if they don’t get one against Liverpool (whom I am ultra-confident that they will finish below Arsenal), hopefully the Villa Park turf can claim another few injuries once again. Suarez and Adam will do nicely, though that will cause me a selection headache in my Fantasy League. Ah, sod it, break their legs! Just kidding. Tear their hamstrings!

If Martin O’Neill can work his magic against Tottenham like he did last week (can’t see it happening personally), then I will definitely go into the City game a very happy bunny. Even I can admit Tottenham are playing pretty well, but I’m still not bothered by their ‘title’ challenge. Please. Their title challenge is as evident as my A-Level studies – never even started (BTEC FTW!).

If there was ever a must-win game, it was Sunday’s. Forget our great run, (7 wins out of 8) a loss to City now would feel like a very large nail in our coffin. It should be way too early for us to be talking like that, but in fairness, it was all our own doing and if the poor start proves to be the difference between winning the title then so be it. If we started the season the way we’re playing now City would fear us, big time. A win tomorrow would put us six points behind City. That just shows you how close we actually are. I’m not giving up on the title ‘til our annual, inevitable self-destruction happens – but I can’t see that happening at the moment.

I fear a bit of cheating will occur tomorrow – from City’s side that is, and they’ve got the perfect fool to fall for their every trick – Phil Dowd. He is, without question, the nightmare referee in the league. I hate the way he makes decisions like he thinks he knows he’s made the right ones when the cameras prove him wrong – trust me, it happens all the time. Just a fortnight ago he fell for Seb Larsson’s pathetic acrobatics. City are a man up already, for sure.

Expect some of this tomorrow
A win tomorrow would confirm we have turned our fortunes around. We’ll go level on points with Chelsea (thanks to Wigan + Petr Cech) and be competitively fighting on three fronts going into the New Year. We’ll have Wilshere back in no time and maybe even a new strike partner for Van Persie. Things are finally looking up. I genuinely believe we can be third before 2011 is over, and then the title race will truly be on.

Come On You Reds!
