The Return Of The King?

I woke up this morning with mixed feelings. There’s lots of talk about Thierry Henry returning to Arsenal. For an Arsenal fan, I should be jumping around in glee and praying that he comes back home. But I wonder what good bringing him back for 2 months will do for the team, especially with the kind of season we’re having.

If we were right in the mix for the title like this time last year, sure. I’d love him back. He may be 34 but he’s still got it. Although, what can he do in two months that will make it worthwhile? Surely, even he can’t outshine Van Persie at the moment. I have to be honest, talk of Lukas Podolski coming to the Emirates sounds much more appealing, for some reason.

I have to say that because Thierry Henry is the greatest player to ever put on an Arsenal shirt (although he is run close by Bergkamp, Vieira and Emmanuel Eboue). It would be common sense to leave his legacy untouched, but the prospect of him returning does sound too good to be true and a chance that Wenger won’t be able to turn down. I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes at the moment; he’s got a big decision to make.

I’m sorry if I contradict myself, but I’m really in two minds on this. On one hand, seeing King Henry step out in red and white once again would be an honour, whereas on the other there’s a horrible feeling that it may just become a waste of time, and the annoying thing is the more speculation there is, the more I want him to sign. The suspense is killing me, and I don’t think I’m the only one.

There would be nothing I would like more than, when I go to see Arsenal play United next month for my birthday, to see Henry score a last minute winner like he did in his last goal at the Emirates. To be honest, just to witness him in that shirt would be magical. Words can’t describe the feeling of him scoring for the Gunners once again.

It’s no secret that another striker is just what we need to have enough firepower to finally win the Premier League. Henry would only be a short-term solution to our problems – however well he plays. It’s unlikely his services will help us secure any trophies. A much more worthwhile signing would be someone like Lukas Podolski. That’s the kind of rumours I like to hear. I’d welcome him to Arsenal with open arms; it’s odd to see a player with that much talent and quality stuck in a mid-table German side. He’s still only 26 and has got experience winning league titles, albeit in a very uncompetitive German one. To have him as the centre striker with RVP playing off him would have defenders shivering in their boots. I wonder if Wenger’s got the guts to buy big in January.

The bottom line is, I would love to see Henry come back to Arsenal, but I wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t happen. I was sceptical about it at first, but I’ve slowly warmed to the idea and realised that him scoring for Arsenal again would be a chance that no Gooner would turn down. Signing Podolski or any other decent striker either now or in the summer would leave me a very happy Gooner and dreaming of success once again.

Come On You Reds!
