Happy New Year

Firstly, happy new year. And for Arsenal, that’s not a bad way to end and start a new year by any means. It truly is a happy new year. Not only were The Arsenal the only team in top 5 to win with a trademark 1-0 victory, but both the Manchester clubs were handed morale-damaging defeats against pretty low opposition. The weekend could have been much better for us – even Spurs drew – here’s hoping that their inevitable slippery slope is on its way.

It just shows you in one week how things can change. We’re now only nine points off the top. We look like we can beat anyone and now we’re adding to the troops with King Thierry. If we can get through this latest flurry of injuries (Vermaelen, get better soon) there’s no reason why we can’t be challenging at the top if we keep this form up. But I can’t help but feel we’ve left it all too late.

I thought it was going to be one of those days again when we just couldn’t find the net – Walcott’s miss had my head in my hands. Maybe he should stay on the wing for a bit longer. It turns out I shouldn’t have worried myself too much as RVP saved the day yet again thanks to a rare assist from Andrey Arshavin. I’ve no doubt Henry will be in front of him when he returns to replace Gervinho. I don’t see him going back to his old form of when he first joined Arsenal – but I’d do almost anything to bring it back.

After another year of hurt and disappointment, ending it on a high can hopefully be the catalyst for any form of success come the middle of the next one. We have a serious chance of doing well in the Champions League, and if the draws go our way we may as well end in the final once again. That’s got to be our best shot for a big trophy, but we’ll only win it if we get – and keep – players fit, which means Wilshere and co. have to come back and make a difference, though I think we might be alright without him for the Milan games, but I’m sure he knows he’s welcome back any time.

January is a very winnable month – even with the crunch game against United slap-bang in the middle of it. A win at the Emirates on the 22nd will ignite title hopes again, I’m sure of it. It won’t be too late – and we’ll still have City and Spurs to play at home too, so I’m feeling positive about competing on three fronts this season once more. And we supposed to be in ‘crisis’ a few months ago…

For the first time in a long time, Arsenal is probably the best team to support in the league right now. We are on the way up (with Tottenham slowly heading in the opposite direction), players coming in, players wanting to stay, and gradually building a solid side capable of winning titles once again following our near-fatal collapse in August. We’ve got nothing to lose and we’re going for everything we can. Let’s not make it 8 years without a trophy. 

Come On You Reds!
