Thank God For That…

Hope everyone is okay. I say that because I’ve only just recovered from the drama from the Emirates this evening. And although I’m absolutely over the moon with the result tonight, you have to admit we did not, and should not have had to go through all of that. Nevertheless, it was arguably our best performance of the season and we’ve avoided a dodgy looking replay in the process. Well done, Arsenal.

In a way, I’m glad that Aston Villa took that two-goal lead. It seemed to be the kick-up-the-backside that Arsenal have been needing for a long time. Those seven minutes were the most clinical we had been all year – even if it was only two penalties and lucky goal to give us the lead. It just makes you wonder why the hell we didn’t start like that, or better still, why we don’t start every single game like that? If we started like that against United last week we would’ve thrashed them, without a doubt.

For all the heroics however, it is still stupidly obvious that we continue to have defensive frailties, yet Wenger refuses to deal with the problems. We were supposed to be getting a left-back on a short term deal but as per usual for us in the transfer market; it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. We need Vermaelen back in the centre of defence with Koscielny as soon as possible. I was starting to change my mind on Mertesacker; he had begun to put in some solid performances but he showed us again that he can be pretty unreliable – he left us short of cover for Villa’s second goal today and at times he’s slower than a crippled snail. The sooner the Verminator’s back in the middle, the better.

On a more positive note, tonight’s performance did prove to any doubters that Arsenal are by no means a one man team. Sure, Van Persie’s still very much central to most of the things we do, but as captain and goal-machine you have to expect that from him. Tonight, though, you could see we did not need him to create good chances. We had guts and determination from all sorts of players - Song, Walcott, Ramsey, Vermaelen etc., and proved that we have much more than just one leader on the pitch.

There was even more good news with the return of players from injury. Not only have we got Mikel Arteta back but it’s great to see Bacary Sagna back to fill that cursed full-back role once and for all. Once they find their rhythm and are back to their best, we’ll have a team to fear once again. For some reason, we’ve gone soft over recent weeks, but Arteta and co. should supply some much needed backbone.

We all know that Arsenal are never, ever going to be truly free of injury problems, and this was further reiterated by the setback of Jack Wilshere’s injury. It’s so frustrating, because he was the man, even more than Van Persie to lead the line and take us to glory this season, but it just hasn’t worked out. You’d feel with him back, our team would be complete. All we ever should need is Szczesny, Vermaelen, Wilshere and Van Persie to provide the foundations for the team and get everyone else to work around them – I dare you to look me in the eye and tell me that isn’t a difficult team to beat.

If anything, January has been a month of gloom. Our only victories have come in the FA Cup, but at least we’re in that competition for a start – I’d take any trophy right now. February is always the most crucial month in the calendar – the true title rivals are discovered and the Champions League restarts – this is a season-defining month for us. At least it can’t be as bad as last February. If we get through the next month and a half and we’re still in two competitions, I’m sure we’ll really start to believe once again.

P.S. Arsene knows. Just saying.

Come On You Reds!
