All Hail The King!

What a way to win a match. Probably the perfect way to do it, too. People say “where would we be without Van Persie” but you have to say that winner from the King was magical, not to mention of utmost importance. It puts into 4th for the first time in 2012 and now we have real momentum to stay there until May. I can say with huge confidence that I am going to miss Thierry a lot more than I thought I was; I wasn’t expecting him to score 3 times. If he was a legend the first time he left Arsenal, he is a God when he leaves after Wednesday’s game.

I feared the worst for our European hopes when Per Mertesacker decided to make our jobs just a little bit harder by inconveniently falling over to put us behind – every Arsenal fan knows we have a poor record at the Stadium of Light and this looked like the best Sunderland team we’ve played for ages. That James McClean looks like some player, and I thought we had done well to keep him quiet until his goal, we’ll be sure to do that again next week. As for the ‘BFG’, the longer he’s out of the team, the better. The good news is Gibbs was on the bench today so he should be back soon. Vermaelen and Koscielny are our best centre-backs, no doubt.

That game should raise the spirits a little before the Milan game. A defeat today would have put our season on a knife edge, especially with Sunderland potentially beating us twice in one week before today. I’m absolutely relieved that everything is in our hands. We’re still on for some success this season and even if it only comes in the shape of and 4th place finish, then so be it. I’d rather finish 4th than win the FA Cup. The Champions League is where we belong, who cares if Tottenham are in it as well?

I haven’t had many opportunities to express myself on the blog recently which means I missed the whole Capello-resignation-Redknapp-trial-combo from last week. Well, if there’s any indication on who the next England manager should be then it’s the fact that Spurs are three up inside 20 minutes and keeping Newcastle further away from us in the process. If that doesn’t say ‘Harry for England’, I don’t know what does. And it’s more than for the sake of England’s success, especially for Gooners – Spurs will suffer once he’s gone. Harry won’t turn down England or else he’s a traitor to the nation. And by the way, he’s not bad for a manager that can’t read or write…

Struggles with the simple jobs, perhaps?
Lastly, I couldn’t resist talking about the Evra-Suarez case. I wasn’t surprised he didn’t shake his hand, but I was surprised that everyone else seemed to be. Evra made a claim that he was racially abused yet although nothing was proven; Suarez still got a lengthy ban. Wouldn’t you be pissed off at the guy that made that happen? I don’t usually agree with what Jamie Redknapp says on Sky Sports but he seemed to read my mind. Suarez doesn't and probably will never get on with Patrice Evra. He’s not going to behave in a nice way to him, is he? I wouldn’t, and I still think Evra’s just a cry-baby, and his OTT celebrations at the end in front of Suarez just confirmed the fact that he is an A-grade idiot. He’s another one to add to the ‘Players I Hate’ list (it’s quite a long list).

Thankfully, at Arsenal we have no such racial tension or court cases to reminisce over, and our season can really lift off if we grind out (another) victory at the San Siro on Wednesday and then put us within a match off Wembley with (another) win over Sunderland. It won’t be easy, but when you’ve RVP and Thierry Henry in your team, you’ve always got a chance.

Come On You Reds! 
