Arsenal Are Alive

Wenger put it perfectly in his post-match comments. Arsenal are well and truly alive again. We looked down and out after the past week and the horrendous start we had, but the response was emphatic. It’s the first time in a very, very long time Arsenal have played this well. And to play that well against Spurs makes it so much more special.

Everyone was saying before the match that Arsenal were lacking leaders. Even if they were, we’ve certainly had some hiding behind RVP for quite a while. Song and Rosicky were a class apart today. Another performance like that in a couple of weeks and we might still stand a chance against Milan, who knows? Today showed that we can score loads against the big teams; first Chelsea and now Spurs, why not Milan? I know it’s partly wishful thinking, but someone’s got to keep the faith, and there’s loads of it now.

I really feared the worst once we went 2-0 down. Despite reacting really well to going behind (which should never have happened in the first place), only to be torn apart not for the first time by a brilliant pass and a blatant dive, it looked like Spurs were going to cut us open every time they attacked. It looked like they could go on the rampage. Instead, that’s exactly what we did.

It doesn’t happen very often, and I’ve been lucky enough to see it happen, but it almost feels extra special when Bacary Sagna scores. He’s one of the very few players I’ve always liked since he joined. I wondered what the hell he was doing in the middle of the penalty area but it turns he can really head a ball! Talk about the changing the game on its head.
Van Persie once again managed to really kick-start the comeback with a real worldie.  Even Brad Friedel, who I used to enjoy watching before he joined The Scum, had no chance stopping it. And with that, the stage was set for an awesome, ground-lifting comeback to complete. I was thinking the second half had come too early but in fact, it was just what we needed to finish them off.

Now, as good as a tactician Harry Redknapp is, even I didn’t see much sense in a double substitution in his midfield at half time. We weren’t going to give them much possession in the midfield, especially with the attacking mood we were in at the time, it seemed like it helped us, and it wasn’t long before I was out of my seat again.

Rosicky’s another player I have always liked. Always gives 100%, apart from the Milan performance of course, and he had a great first half. How Sagna’s cross managed to evade two defenders, I’ll never know, but Rosicky’s little dink was superb. I was so happy I leapt up and punched my Dad in the face. People should learn to keep their distance when they’re watching Arsenal with me; they take you through every emotion possible.

Theo Walcott seems to do the same on his own. First half, he was absolutely terrible. Sometimes it looks like he can’t pass the ball to save his life. And what frustrates the most about Walcott is that he is the fastest player in the league (apart from Ryo), yet he rarely seems to use those afterburners of his and instead plays a useless pass. If only he could play like he does on FIFA, I said. And then he did. He still isn’t worthy of a place in the England team, though. I’m still baffled that he’s ahead of the Ox. But credit to him, getting two goals in a North London derby deserves some praise, even if his first goal was slightly lucky. I just want him to perform for 90 minutes more often.

Well done Arsenal

So it may look like we are going to endure another trophyless season, though as it was half expected after Cesc and Ca$hri leaving with no great replacements, the pain is slightly softened. But we look like we might be in the driving seat for 4th place and if we manage to keep RVP another year, and be in the Champions League, we might at least go a little closer than this season. One thing is for sure, though: North London is most definitely Red.

Come On You Reds!
