Time For A Change?

Firstly, let’s get one thing straight; the less said about Wednesday night, the better. I’ve only just plucked up the courage to talk about it now. It’s amazing, although not much surprise how such a demoralising defeat can be a huge demotivation to write about it. Admittedly, no Arsenal blogger is always going to have something good to write about, especially nowadays, but it doesn’t half hurt knowing you’re about express furious frustration and anger onto the Internet for the umpteenth time.

Other than the fact that Wednesday’s display was an utter disgrace and a real pain to sit through, everything that happened must be forgotten as soon as possible. Nothing more should be said. It should be called ‘The Game That Must Not Be Mentioned’, unless of course, Spurs give us a similar footballing lesson next week, which would be a trillion times worse.

Many, as you would expect after a game like that, have called for Wenger’s head, again. Although I’m on Wenger’s side, the excuse “think of all he has done for the club” is not good enough. Whatever he has done for the club in the past, he is most certainly not doing it now. He probably thinks he has the players to make something special happen again, but it’s been too long since we have truly had a great season (that said, I genuinely thought ’08 was going to be our year) and you just wonder how much longer this façade of trophyless seasons can go on for.

I’m afraid I may have to swing to the other side, however, if the season is shot to smithereens by Sunderland. Even if he does get us get Champions League football, which is the bare minimum that anyone will be happy with. The only reason I’d keep him at the club is he promised, and delivered in putting his hand into that surely overflowing wallet of his and bought big in the summer, in addition to keeping RVP at the club – his presence is paramount. He needs to build a revolution again like he did in 1996, and this time I want to see it happen.

Trust him, but not for much longer...
And obviously, if he’s going to be bringing superstars in, many players are going to have to go in the opposite direction. Emmanuel Petit – a man who’s won trophies for us - thinks we should have an overhaul – and I agree. Arshavin, Chamakh, Almunia, Diaby, Squillaci, Bendtner, Denilson and Walcott’s futures lie elsewhere, preferably in the Championship. Anyone who still believes in Walcott’s ability must be the most upbeat person on the planet. There was so much hype over him – if he wasn’t fast, he’d be whatever the word is for more than useless, and nowhere near worth £12m or whatever silly amount we paid for him. Time to move over for the Ox.

Even if we do somehow win the FA Cup, even if we do somehow perform a miracle and turn the Milan tie around, change is needed, one way or another. Players are what we need. We’re never going to acquire another Fabregas, but a fresh injection of real talent could be just the medicine to turn this team into a winning one. However, if all else fails, it may be time for a change, a change in philosophy, a change in ideas, a change in strategy and maybe even a change in manager - but we all know what we’d rather have. Fingers crossed, it won’t get to the stage where we’re in the Europa League and start doing a Liverpool. We’re better than this, much better.

It’s pretty much all or nothing tomorrow - and it’s not the easiest of places to have a game on the thinnest of knife-edges.  The history of the club could depend on it.

Come On You Reds!
