Happy St. Totteringham’s Day!

What a day! I am emotionally and mentally exhausted and I’ve never been so glad for a season to finish. Who would’ve thought Soccer Saturday (on Sunday) could be so entertaining? (I resisted watching a dodgy stream to keep my nerves calm; they took quite a battering today). The entire day across the whole league was simply crazy, and it was a rather fitting rollercoaster day to end a rollercoaster season.

I was feeling pretty confident at kick-off, waiting patiently for the goals to start flooding in. Unfortunately, they started going in at the wrong ground when that traitor Adebayor put Tottenham ahead inside 100 seconds. And BANG, almost straight away into fourth. Great start…

Thankfully, as if the God of Football intended, Ben Foster chose the perfect time to get ‘injured’. Enter stage left, Marton Fulop. If we could have faced any goalkeeper, he was the one. I’m not quite sure what his mistakes were or indeed how bad they were, but his first error came just two minutes later. Already feeling sick after Spurs’ goal, it was erased by Matt Le Tissier’s screaming. 0-1 Gunners. And of all people to take advantage of the keeper’s howler, the man I probably most dreaded to see on the Arsenal team sheet: Yossi Benayoun. I should apologise to Wenger, I’ll never judge your squad selection again, Boss. Sign him on a permanent deal, please.

Then it all started to go wrong, very wrong. Long equalises from a decidedly offside position – 2 yards off, apparently. I was thinking we were going to be knocked out the CL by poor refereeing – the worst way to go. Then it got a lot worse when Dorrans put them ahead. I thought we’d blown it. I was this close to crying. I could hear WHL lot getting louder; it looked like it could be their day after all. But then, another scream from Le Tiss – the good kind. We seemed to shout ‘DESMOND!’ at the same time. The relief was immense, but we still had a job to do. Half-time – a chance to grab some oxygen.

Now the momentum was with us – but we had to score the dream was over. The ‘keeper helped us again – how you can aim to punch one way only for the ball to go in the opposite direction is beyond me. Only a ridiculous FIFA glitch would explain it but in real-life? By the way, Laurent Koscielny fully deserves that winning goal – he’s been one of our most improved players this season along with Song and Rosicky. Cue delirious cheering.

What followed was the tensest half hour of my life. Fulham weren’t doing us any favours and Arsenal were getting nervy at the back, and needed a life-saving challenge from Kieran Gibbs to keep the victory intact. As the focus switched over to the Manchester games, I began to calm down us I prayed for the final whistle. And finally, I saw the interactive ticker at the bottom of the screen confirm that we had, at long last, shrugged off the challenge of Tottenham and secured CL football once again. But please, Arsenal, do not make any of us go through that again.

To achieve what we have this season from where we came from is remarkable. We sold Fabregas, let Nasri go (good riddance), got plagued by defensive injuries, got hammered at Old Trafford, lost to teams we shouldn’t have, had a blip in the New Year and stuttered towards the finish line at the end but ultimately, still finished third. And if today’s game secures RVP’s future at the club then it becomes so much more important. Well done, Arsenal. Better luck next year, Spurs. (Evil laugh)

