I Hate To Say I Told You So

The Gooners went through all the emotions today; joy, despair, misery, hope, ecstasy and near depression.

I hate it when I see things like this coming. As I suspected yesterday, Norwich indeed proved to be a very tricky customer and Arsenal underperformed for too long in the game to win it. In a way, if we end up playing in the Europa League it will be all our own fault and we can't complain.

Of course, we were denied a penalty so stonewall even the most biased fans – the co-commentators, for example – can't hide their partiality for the 'underdog' any longer. I don't know what these people have against Arsenal – when Norwich do something good it's because Arsenal are bad, and when Arsenal are good it's because we 'got lucky' or 'we should've done better'. But when Norwich make a mistake it's because they're 'unlucky'. And when it comes from the mouth of someone like today's 'analyst' Steve McManaman, it makes the pain just that little bit worse. Nevertheless, we should have scored at least 6 today.

The positives are understandably hard to conjure up after today. I, personally can take comfort by the fact that Newcastle are playing the champions-elect and getting beaten is a decent possibility despite their good form and their physics-defying striker. The bad news is that Tottenham are playing very beatable Aston Villa and I wouldn't bet against them going third tomorrow. If it weren't for Chelsea being in the Champions League I would be very calm about the situation – I don't care if we finish below Tottenham; if we get into the Champions League I'm sure all the Gooners will be happy - with or without Van Persie.

It looks like we are going to have to rely on Bayern at this rate – and that's if we beat West Brom next week and results go our way tomorrow. I remain confident that we'll qualify for the CL but if we're still in 3rd, or even in the top four at the end of tomorrow, we can count ourselves very, very, lucky.

Keep The Faith.

Come On You Reds!
