Judgement Day

There have been many games this season that have been pointed out as the most important one, however there’s no question that tomorrow’s match at The Hawthorns is the biggest match for Arsenal since that fateful day at Wembley. Damn you, Martins.

You wouldn’t think that Tottenham and Newcastle would ever pose so much of a threat to Arsenal, but all three clubs have managed to surprise us in different ways to set up a nerve-wracking finale – for Arsenal fans at least. Europa League football seems unthinkable – personally I don’t think I can take that competition seriously as a fan, however well we do in it. I think we should all take some advice from United and Spurs fans, just in case.

Thinking more positively, I think West Brom are there for the taking. So what if it’s Roy’s last game before England? It’s still the same bunch of mediocre players, and we beat them so comfortably earlier this season. Admittedly, we had Arteta helping us out back then and he’s not an option this time around, but AOC can fill that void easily – that’s if Wenger decides to pick him this week. If he doesn’t, I may cry. Pick Benayoun at your peril, Arsene.

So how hard can it actually be? Beating West Bromwich Albion away from home in a football match sounds easy enough. We wouldn’t be doing it the Arsenal way without going behind first, of course, but I hope Arsenal have got more than enough to put several past Ben Foster tomorrow. They know how important this is, Channel 5 is not Arsenal territory.

The incredible thing is we’ve got it in our hands and we’ve got no right for that to be the case. Frankly, we should have wrapped up 3rd place weeks ago. Not beating Wigan and Norwich at home is diabolical, inexcusable and simply not good enough. Would Man City do something like that? Of course not, though if they keep buying our players then they might start to do so… Tottenham and Newcastle have been so kind to us all season by giving us chances to catch them up, and it would be a travesty to give the advantage back to them at the last minute.

Speaking of Man City, they should keep their slimy hands of Van Persie. He is our captain, loves the club and he would never leave us for them. Van Persie is the reason we are where we are, and tomorrow he is going to want to finish the job once and for all. This season can’t finish soon enough for the Gunners, and it’s one, in all honesty, one we’d rather forget. If we can salvage CL football as consolation, that will satisfy me, for this year at least. It sure hurts having no silverware, but performing in Europe is the next best thing. And if that’s the clincher that keeps RVP at the club, I’d feel super-confident of success next year.

Let’s get behind the boys one last time. Come On You Reds!
