Too Close For Comfort

Have to admit: Wednesday's results puts our Champions League hopes on a precariously thin knife-edge. The possibility of finishing in the top four without reward is frightening enough, but finishing fifth altogether is very worrying – and the way Newcastle (and to some extent, Spurs) are playing at the moment, you wouldn't put it past them to finish in front of us.

At least we have the advantage (or not?) of playing first – and a win tomorrow would ease the nerves going into the final day, and with Spurs and the Toon playing strugglers and title chasers respectively, we may not need to go to the Hawthorns needing anything at all next week – that's if we get the job done tomorrow, of course. I've never been a fan of the early kick-off but hopefully Norwich aren't either.
Norwich, on their day, can be a very dodgy customer and Arsenal, on their day, have the frustrating habit to needlessly underperform. Given the importance of the fixture though, I think Arsenal will be up for this, and it all depends on what Norwich have got left in them. They've worked hard to get where they are, they have been home and dry for a while and now they have nothing to fight for.

I really must resist from thinking what would happen if we didn't beat Norwich tomorrow. If we end up thinking that Wigan defeat was the difference from playing in the Champions League we will kick ourselves. It is unthinkable we won't represent England in the CL. Having Tottenham replace us would be a travesty. I do fancy Bayern's chances against Chelsea in the final but I do not fancy a tricky qualifier in August. Last year's was stressful enough. That penalty save from Szczesny against Udinese was most probably the most important save in this season, and his career.

Most importantly, I am confident of an Arsenal victory but there is a little bit of doubt in my mind. That little bit of doubt is the thought of Gervinho missing a sitter and Djourou scoring an own goal. Maybe I worry too much, maybe it's a formality. Maybe I'm right to be worried, or maybe 3rd place is in the bag.

Come On You Reds!
