Stick To Your Guns

I hate to be giving advice to Arsene Wenger, as he is undoubtedly a very shrewd human being, but the uncertainty of the club's current success means that Gooners like me can take no chances. The fans should give the Club all the help it can. Thankfully, the reports circling around today suggest he's made a very encouraging and bold move. Well played, Arsene.

After Robin Van Persie returned to training yesterday, it was evident that a) he's still getting along with the squad, and b) he's going somewhat grey at the grand old age of 29. He's definitely been under some stress this summer, poor guy. It was good that we got to see him in some form of Arsenal shirt before the season begins before the Club can pull a huge secrecy blanket over the whole situation. First signs of Van Persie's 2012/13 preparations are looking good.

You don't mess with Wenger

The dilemma for Arsene Wenger was to either let him go and cash in on him, or risk losing him on a free to keep him here for at least one more year. 

Let's assess the options; if he let's him go - especially if we accepted any of Juve's pathetic bids - we won't have great funds to replace him given that we've already spent on two players already. It wouldn't work out - probably for both parties - I can't see RVP being happier than when he was with us, even if he does win a trophy elsewhere. And let's not talk about City - a move there would be the biggest act of betrayal than Judas himself – and he has previously said he will never go there.

If we can get him to stay an extra year (I say 'extra' year, it's still on his contract), everyone will be happy. I remember saying a couple of years ago to give Fabregas one last shot at winning trophies here and once we went out of contention in mid-April, you could tell he was gone. So you can say there's an element of risk in keeping him. We are, by no means, a one-man-team, but we would not have been 3rd last season without him. Even with Podolski and Giroud he would still easily be our top striker. If we can stay in competitions long enough we can maximise his commitment, and hope those extra 365 days are enough time for him to have a change of heart. Plus we mustn’t forget he isn’t getting any younger.

Grey hair: Old age, stress or severe dandruff problem?

And, if the stories are to be believed (from the reliable sources, that is), it looks like the Club are going to force RVP to stay - which is just as well. At least then, however he's feeling, we'll know if he's playing for the shirt or the money. Wenger has made completely the right decision in telling him to stay. RVP shouldn't have a right to want a move away - that's what contracts are for. I'm so glad and so proud to say that Arsene and the Club are sticking to their guns by telling him to fulfil his commitments - and it's the least he can do after seven years on the sidelines.

Having been an Arsenal fan all my life, I know never to doubt Wenger's decisions, but surely it's got to be a great idea when we think alike. Van Persie will be pivotal to whether we win a trophy, whether he stays or goes. And after countless examples of players leaving Arsenal before their time, this is a huge step in the right direction for Arsene Wenger and the Club's stance over wantaway players. Well done, Mr. Wenger, you've played a blinder, there.

Come On You Reds!
