Wenger's To-Do List

For seven straight seasons, Arsene Wenger has tried and failed in bringing silverware to Arsenal. However, despite all the stick he gets from fans, he has continued to bring Champions League football and exciting signings to the club that no-one else would have done. He even can make seasons seem successful despite the lack of silverware.

So, given that he is the best man for the job, and no-one deserves another trophy than he does, here's a few things I think he should do to get it right on the 8th time of asking. These are my special ingredients for a successful season:

1. Get rid of make-weights

Some players are just not good enough, and unfortunately, there are too many in the Arsenal squad falling into this category - given their ambitions every time we begin a new season. More frustratingly, we do end up having to play these players because of the inevitable cursed luck with injuries that Arsenal have to endure every year, and in a title-winning side, that can't be happening. A mini-exodus among the fringe players could Arsenal a lot of good - especially if Wenger can use the funds collected from shipping them off elsewhere. Djourou, Squillaci, Diaby , Park and Chamakh all need to go - and the sooner, the better.

2. Go bold in the transfer window

I was absolutely gutted when RVP rejected signing a new contract - and although from an Arsenal fan's point of view it seems completely the wrong decision, you can't really blame him. Wenger (and other board members) have to be more bold when it comes to making deals, nailing down contracts and keeping our best players. Sorting out the wage structure is also hugely important as we won't able to compete at the top level. People have said Wenger's hands were tied but as the manager I don't think the Club would have allowed that. And any worries about Financial Fair Play are just as unlikely - we keep making profits while clubs in debt (such as Man Utd.) are splashing the cash window after window. A change is needed, I think.

3. Toughen the squad up

Arsenal have the extremely annoying habit of peaking every February or March before limping through April and May - whatever our targets are. Even in the Invincible season we were a bit dodgy in the build-up to Easter. Last season the last two months were dismal - losing to Wigan and drawing with Norwich the low points - and it certainly looks like we need something just to give us something to last the final few potentially crucial weeks. We're usually great for 7 months before they let us down, year after year. Let's face it, we should've gone in to last season as champions - it was in our hands with 9 games to go and an easy run-in to boot - yet we ultimately failed once more. A fresh injection of energy could make all the difference.

4. Bring back the sexy football

I'm going to be honest; I don't believe we're as good as we used to be in the sexy department. At our best we weren't like Barca or Spain, we were Arsenal. And when it was good, it was SO good. The Champions League game against Slavia Prague springs to mind, yet that was nearly 5 years ago. We just do not have the players to recreate that magic at the moment. Investing in the next Fabregas, Toure, Hleb and Flamini could see the return of the sexy football that I really cannot recall the last time we really played it. When we do, few can cope. When Arsenal really click into gear, we are unbeatable.

I would be surprised if Arsene Wenger reads my blog, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking about a few of these points anyway. Whatever Arsene does, though, is always going to be respected, because Arsene Knows, and In Arsene We Trust.

Come On You Reds!
