What We Need

As the dawn of a new season comes ever so slightly closer, Arsenal fans nowadays aren't going into the big kick-off with the expectations that they would have done 10 years ago. After seven barren seasons, fans are becoming extremely frustrated with the same old habits biting us every single year, with much of the frustration being aimed (quite rightly) at the board and at the current management style in this day and age - which would probably blow teams away a decade ago.

As an Arsenal blogger on the internet, I feel it is part of my job to build as much positivity and excitement as possible. Therefore, I've thought of a few things that Arsenal need to be successful next season by focussing on their main problem - lack of quality on the pitch. (Basically, s*** players).

Even with the Van Persie will-he-won't-he saga rumbling on towards an inevitably tedious conclusion, you could say we still need strengthening in every position on the pitch. The best teams have strength in depth - and that is something that Arsenal do not possess at the moment - or have not possessed in a long time. Injuries destroyed our back-line last year and a fully fit one would have done a much better job - and saved us the final day agony that was, at times, unbearable.

The goalkeeper is the most important position on the pitch. If you have 10 world class players and a poor GK you won't win anything. Or, to put it another way, Almunia would have cost City the title last season. Now Manuel has left us, it opens up a space for another 'keeper. Szczesny can be our No1 for another 15 years at least if he's more loyal than most players, though he does have his off days - but who doesn't? Fabianski is a decent number No2 but I couldn't trust him with a long run in the team. As for Mannone, I can never trust a 'keeper that forgets he can use his hands (search defeat to Olympiakos - if you can bare it). A fresh, solid 'keeper that is sufficient backup for Chezz would be a breath of fresh air. 

Defence has always been (and always will be) Arsenal's achilles-heel, and ever since Big Sol left, I haven't had great confidence in the Arsenal back-line. The centre-backs are the big problem. Vermaelen and Koscielny look like they're getting better and they've only played together for a year, but suppose one of those gets injured? The backup is shockingly, desperately poor. Djourou and Squillaci would struggle to get in most Championship teams, and Mertesacker is not the defensive giant that we saw playing for Werder Bremen. More like a tall, disabled penguin. We need someone, ideally, to partner Vermaelen. If Koscielny can become consistent and carry last season's form into the new one then the first choices are sorted but we need someone quality to replace them when they eventually mess up. 

Midfield has been Arsenal's strength for a long time - most Arsenal legends bossed the midfield - Parlour, Rocastle, Vieira, Pires and Fabregas to name a few (Fabregas not quite a legend, but close enough). Wilshere is sure to follow in their footsteps yet his recovery is continuing at the pace of a tortoise with a hangover. Song and Arteta are also performing at legendary levels, and more world-class signings will ensure that a big name may have to be left out of the starting XI - which brings strength in depth and a selection headache for Mr. Wenger - but a very welcome one at that. Once the cup competitions come along we might be able to rest these players and still have world-beaters fully fit. Another Vieira-esque midfield general that can make both our attack and defence difficult to break through can make our midfield backbone even stronger.

M'Vila and Ganso have been rumoured to joining us, and they would be perfect. M'Vila and Ganso can be almost a second Song and Wilshere, and it would allow Wenger to choose either an attacking or defensive midfield. No Arsenal rumour ever seems to come true, but I sure hope these ones do.

And finally, the strikers. The crazy thing is, if Van Persie had put pen to paper, the attacking options would have looked sorted with Podolski and Giroud added to Arsenal's firepower. Yet now, with Walcott also apparently wanting out (who does he think he is?) and no other real attacking quality wanting to stay - apart from the Ox - maybe we could do with another striker or two. Let's face it; Park, Arshavin and Chamakh have the collective ability 0.2 Podolskis - and there's not much use in that. Someone lethal to replace - or add to Van Persie at the top could be the difference between winning silverware and the same old pain once again. Maybe it's just what we need.

David Villa has a proven record, and I think we should try and nick Lewandowski from under United's noses. Then watch Van Persie say we have 'no ambition', ha. Here’s to another hyped up Arsenal transfer window.

Come On You Reds!
