Let's Get Excited

I've been waiting two weeks to do this. I wanted to make sure the next time a write a piece on this site, it will be at a time of great anticipation and excitement. The eventual signing of Santi Cazorla was a done deal. I had my finger repeatedly on F5 on the Arsenal website for the best part of a fortnight. But still, no news. It was getting stupid; I couldn't just write a whole page on how disappointingly average our pre-season has been, I needed something big. And today, finally, we got it. We got him.

Now our squad is beginning to take shape. It is starting to look like a real force, and if it gels quickly and we get into our stride easily this season, we're dead certs for a top two finish - at least. I'm not being biased - it makes sense. This is the first time in ages, possibly ever, that Wenger has splashed the cash on three players in one window and with more arrivals imminent. I guess it's just like living in a parallel universe. City have barely added to their ranks despite their deep pockets, and there's no way they'll repeat last year's success with the same team. Perhaps Wenger and Mancini have swapped brains.

It's not all about the amount of money being spent of course - it's the quality bought with it, and so far, Wenger's choices have been, as usual, selected expertly. Giroud will have to hit the ground running and remove any doubts about him being a proven goalscorer on the national and continental stage, but I'm sold on Podolski and Cazorla. If I, or anyone at all was told we were buying them this time last year they would have laughed them off instantly. We were on the brink of collapse before the big turnaround last year and it's all thanks to Wenger. We all knew it was going to be another trophyless season in August, but now, a year on, everything is within our reach - especially with a trio of top transfers.

It's not often that Gooners can get excited about having a world-class team on paper as well as on the pitch, though the latter is still yet to be seen. The crazy thing is, even if our supposed 'best player' leaves, that will still be the case - and with extra funds, though I still don't see the sense of a move to United, which if he does go, is looking most likely at the moment. 

Yes, United will challenge for trophies, but so will we, and with an improved squad - something United can't say for themselves at the moment. No-one can deny Arsenal will be up there for silverware until the draws are mean to us. There's nothing to stop United going out in the group stages of the Champions League again, as much as there is nothing stopping Arsenal doing the quadruple. Neither will probably happen, but that proves that Arsenal and United are very much equal, just like in the good old days.

Another solid, versatile defender and potential cover for Song's exit (with Sahin included - I wouldn't mind him leaving if we got what he's worth and got two more world-class CMs in his place) will make our squad seemingly complete. Certainly not without room for improvement, but definitely something to surprise the big boys for a year or two. Santi Cazorla is the first step towards achieving our former greatness.

Bienvenido, Santi.

Come On You Reds!
