Patience Required

Arsenal's 2012/13 Premier League campaign kicked off with a lacklustre bang yesterday after the extremely frustrating 0-0 stalemate at home with Sunderland. Had it been at the Stadium of Light, it certainly would have looked more like a point gained but at the Emirates, it seems very much as two early points dropped.

When you look at where we went wrong, there isn't much in terms of criticism towards the Arsenal players other than their accuracy on the day. To have 20/23 (87%) of shots off target - especially on opening day when you should be at your sharpest - isn't exactly following the champions' blueprint. Without doubt, Man City will get near that total on target against Southampton later today.

The team may not have brought their shooting boots yesterday afternoon, but it was still an important and special day for the Club nevertheless. It's a new start for us after certain acts of traitorship and an unfamiliar volume of personnel changes at the club. Welcoming the three new boys at the stadium was fantastic. You could tell that every fan has been re-galvanised by this exciting trio, and the departed is all but forgotten. Once the game started it was clear to see that one particular signing already fits the bill.

I don't know how it came through on the TV as I decided not to watch the highlights because of the little joy that was endured throughout the game; we were solid in defence apart from one minor hiccup early on but the defenders were spectators for much of the match. Unfortunately the attackers weren't penetrative enough, and it was as if we were feeling the strain of injuries already as Oxlade-Chamberlain and/or Rosicky would have given us considerably increased attacking fluidity as opposed to Abou Diaby or Andrey Arshavin.

There was, however, in the midst of an inhibiting battle where Sunderland thwarted us virtually from start to finish, (I wouldn't say they parked the bus, but when they take 2 minutes for a goal kick only 15 minutes in, you start to wonder how much they were going for it) a shining light; a huge breath of fresh air. He goes by the name of Santiago Cazorla. I don't like comparing to former players, but he's definitely reminiscent of a certain Cesc. His passing is second to none and a joy to watch. It was almost a shock when he made a mistake. Once he settles we'll be in for a real treat, Gooners.

Podolski and Giroud probably aren't quite ready for a 90 minute performance but we saw glimpses of what we can look forward to - and what we can expect from them. Podolski had a smooth if not so productive hour or so, but a full match of Podolski's powers up top will surely pay dividends eventually. I, personally would like to see him on the right wing in place of the frankly pathetic Walcott, who time after time, despite having the most unrivalled speed in the league, rarely ever puts on the afterburners. And when he does, he'll more than likely run into somebody. Taxi!

As for Giroud's 25-minute cameo, I suppose it's not the worst debut I've ever seen but my God, I hope that squandered chance leaves his mind quickly. Not saying it wasn't that bad; it was horrendous. A whole stadium of disgruntled fans as the clock ticks down a lively game without too much incident, and just when Arsenal looked like they were running out of gas, Cazorla plays the most delicious pass you could ask for, only for Giroud to bend the ball in the opposite direction to which he intended.

All in all, it wasn't the worst opener, in all honesty. Sunderland could prove a tough nut to crack this season and this result may not be so bad when (and if) we head into the final straight. Had we lost, everyone would have said "RVP's made the right decision yadda yadda yadda." In the end we have a more solid defence, a clean sheet, and a strikeforce that is learning and improving all the time. The bottom line from this game is to remember this is largely a new team which has a new creative force behind it. Stay patient, Gooners; our time is soon. It's only a matter of time before it starts to click.

Come On You Reds!
