Stoke City: The New Tottenham?

Now, before I begin my summary/rant on this week's result, I should just clear a few things up about my site. I know that inconsistency has been my downfall since I started this thing; going 3 days in a row and then taking 2 weeks off and whatever, well, with a new season, and in many ways just like Arsenal, I believe consistency is key. Just so you guys know, I'm making sure I get something fresh on here every weekend without fail. Glad I got that out.

On to more important matters, another goalless draw for the Gunners. In my eyes, not as bad as the 2 points dropped last week to Sunderland, but beginning with two dull stalemates makes today's result look worse than it probably is. That's our first clean sheet at the Brittania since Stoke came up and many teams will likely continue to struggle to get anything off them at home. That said, with a bit of accuracy and composure up top, we'd have had this game won easily.

Do Stoke fans care more about mocking Wenger than the football? Probably.

The usual brigade impressed once more; Cazorla and Arteta so comfortable on the ball, plus a second solid stint for the back four - and half of it isn't even first choice with Koscielny and Sagna still out. Unfortunately, the problem seems to be up front. And despite the "I'll hit the ground running" stuff from Podolski and co., it hasn't really clicked. Don't get me wrong, he'll bag loads of goals for us, but Poldi hasn't exactly stayed true to his word. And whereas I was impressed with Giroud today, it doesn't count for anything until he finds the net. But it can't be far away...

One player that does, and has always, annoyed me is Abou Diaby. For some reason, after seeing various other views of Arsenal fans on-line, to much more than I would have thought, Abou Diaby is very much-liked by the Emirates faithful. All this praise sent his way came as a perplexing shock to me. He has never really convinced me to be a top-class footballer. You can tell he is trying to emulate Vieira on the ball but very rarely does it come together. His dribbling and his desire are some of his few true attributes, but in all honesty, he's up there with Walcott, Bendtner and Arshavin on most frustrating players to watch. Today he certainly came up trumps in that category.

People seem to blame his injury problems for his 'dip' in form, though I think he's never dipped, just continued to play at a low level. I don't ever remember thinking of Diaby and hoping he would be in the team - and let's face it, he's only in because Wilshere, Rosicky and the Ox aren't fully fit. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong; maybe people see something I don't. I'd gladly argue he's one of our worst midfielders.

If there was one thing that I knew about the opposition before the game, it was that I hate Stoke City. People can talk all they want about how it was Beauty vs The Beast, Total vs Anti-Football, Football vs Rugby etc., but at the end of the day, Stoke City are just a bunch of thugs. I bet the tackles they came flying in with weren't half as painful as they looked on TV. Arteta and Vermaelen were on the wrong end of some absolute Shawcross-esque crunchers. Their football mentality is one thing, but it's not just the team, the fans breathed a new air of disgust into football.

Their fans have a reputation of helping the team at home and winding up the opposition - Monsieur Wenger are prime target for the frankly childish Potters fans - but aiming an entire barrage of boos towards a once-promising player who almost had his career single-leggedly taken away from him is unbelievably enraging and so disrespectful to even think about. I've decided Stoke fans, as a group of people, are a bunch of a********, I really, really, mean that. Poor Rambo hasn't been the same since that day. It angers me to the point where I start to wonder if the hatred towards that pathetic excuse for a football club is worse than towards than the enemy just down the road.

Now I've got that off my chest, it's time we focus towards next week's trip to Liverpool. Plus we'll have the Champions League draw to ponder over, and who knows, maybe even another signing? Can't wait for next week.

Come On You Reds!
