Who's Laughing Now?

August 31: Fans berate Wenger for not going into the transfer market. Wonder where the goals are coming from.

September 2: Wenger displays genius as we conquer Liverpool at Anfield with a new-boy double. Fans fall in love with him all over again.

It's funny how things change.

I must stress I wasn't one of those thinking Wenger had lost it by not getting involved on Friday night, but some Arsenal fans really got to me about 'deluded' they thought Arsene was by not digging into those ever-growing pockets of his. I was slightly disappointed we never went in for Essien but Chelsea had made it clear that wasn't going to happen, and whereas a striker would have been nice, we didn't exactly need one, given that we'd bought more strikers than we had sold (excluding Bendtner who's on loan again, thank God).

And judging by this afternoon's performance, Arsene's decision not to delve into desperate deadline deals was wholly justified. That performance was a signal of intent if ever I saw one. Anyone who seriously believes we may have become 'the laughing stock' of the league needs to take a long, hard look at themselves. That was such an assured performance by a club that was supposedly heading nowhere once RVP had left, and the positives don't stop there...

Our defence still looks a little shaky but 3 successive clean sheets speak for themselves. Jenkinson is getting better all the time defensively but on the ball, he's a nightmare to watch. Same goes for Mertesacker at times but hopefully Koscielny and Sagna will be back to further tighten up that back line, but it's still looking good at the minute. Gibbs and Vermaelen are looking as solid as ever, and longer we can keep teams out, the better. I can't help but feel the introduction of Steve Bould has been so instrumental in the changes in quality at the back. Keep it up, Steve.

I'm absolutely chuffed for the new boys to get off the mark, too. Especially for Cazorla, who's not a out-and-out goalscorer but has been a shining star in all 3 games so far, and his goal was more than deserved. As for Giroud, who could have given us breathing space before the break, his time will come. He should start at home in a fortnight's time, and if the fans get behind him, he'll do well eventually. As Wenger said, even the legends start slow.

So, we're 3 games in to the campaign, and after a slow beginning, we're starting to click. The defence is locked tight, the attack hasn't even reached tip-top form and the midfield is looking fine even without our best player and No. 10. In contrast to this time last year, we are easily the most improved team, and unlike last year, the excitement before each game is much greater, as if something special is happening.

If there's anything that we have learnt over the last few days is that if Wenger feels we don't need additions; we don't need any. That has just been proven.

Arsene Knows.
