Let's Bounce Back

I hate to return on such a low note, but unfortunately, I don't write the scripts for these Arsenal games. Once again, they've built us up after a fantastic start and a decent response to the Chelsea defeat, to make us think that maybe this year is our year. Norwich, albeit away from home, was probably the best game to pick if we had the choice. Yet, we mustered a performance that displayed the worst attacking quality we've had for a long, long time.

A lot happens in a month, and one thing to still be positive about, Gooners, is that we've had much more highs than lows. From the battling victories over Montpellier and Olympiacos, to the heroic comebacks against City and West Ham, we've had sufficient evidence to suggest we possess a squad of sterner stuff, compared to last year.

The 3 points dropped against Chelsea are probably not as crucial as we perceive them to be, given we're only in October. The 3 points dropped today, however, could certainly come back to bite us. Hard. We deserved nothing, and got nothing. But if there's one thing Arsenal are good at, it's clawing back lost points. Just look at last season - this time last year we were 12 points off the top after a bad start, even though we were higher than we are right now. We ended up clawing Tottenham back from 13 points behind, and in all unbiased honesty, could've hurtled ourselves into the title race if we didn't completely balls-up the whole of January.

Today was so un-Arsenal-like. Norwich were more like us. NORWICH. Norwich are a really poor version of Stoke. And we just lost to them because we never turned up. It's ironic, because looking at each sets of fans at the final whistle, Norwich will be the ones going down and we'll be the ones securing a Champions League place - minimum - come May. (I hope that statement doesn't come back to haunt me).

So, all of a sudden, Arsenal have a serious amount of catching up to do. With that defeat -just the second of the season and the same as United and Spurs - we sit in 9th place. Of course, it's still quite tight as it always is early on, but those lowly depths are no place for a squad as gifted as ours, any time of the year.

But signs of bouncebackability and character are the makings of a good team; and a good team is what Arsenal are. Do we honestly believe a team of Podolski, Cazorla, Vermaelen and The Ox are only capable of a European finish? Of course not. Let's show Schalke what we're really about, before the fightback begins against QPR next weekend.

Don't let the table deceive you; we have 10 points to gain and 7 months to make it up - nowhere near impossible. I won't lie, it does look pretty bleak right now, and this will always be a low point in our season, but let's hope there aren't many more to come. With a bit of belief and desire from players and fans alike, we'll hit top gear so that United and co. won't know what's hit them.

And don't forget, we're about to unleash the strongest card in the pack...

Come On You Reds!
