RVP Deserves No Respect

I'm going to be fairly blunt today. On the eve of one of the most hotly-anticipated reunions Arsenal fans have been waiting for, as with any player who returns to their former club, the question of respect is brought up. Well, I can say with utmost conviction and confidence that Robin Van Persie deserves absolutely none of it whatsoever.

The fact that he played a big part in us finishing 3rd last season is completely irrelevant; though I'm sure non-Gooners would like to suggest otherwise. But from an Arsenal fan's point of view, his departure was a betrayal on a level that would have Judas himself feeling a little pissed.

At Feyenoord his attitude was all over the place. So much so, that Mr. Wenger, who still managed to spot potential, took him off their hands to the coaches' relief. In his first year at Arsenal he still didn't let his feet do the talking after being caught up in a rape scandal, and severe work still had to be done on both his attitude and fulfilling his potential as a player. It seems now, though, that his attitude has never changed.

His first year was great. Bergkamp would have his final year the following season and the next generation was looking bright. With an FA Cup to boot, it couldn't have been much better for young Van Persie. His second season started in the same vein, linking up with the God (compared to him, at least) that is Thierry Henry like he had done for years. His third saw him claim top club scorer and consistently scored when he played, right up until the day he left. If only he had played more:

Because there's one huge point that every Arsenal fan will look towards - the injuries. He joined us in May '04. Injured by August. It was a sign of things to come. In eight years, he picked up no less than 27 injuries. That's over 3 a year and that's also with the lay-off times in between. Wenger could've given up and sold him, but kept him and transformed into something dangerous.

All these injuries must have been terrible for him, yet once he comes back with an (almost) injury-free season and a Golden Boot, he has the audacity, the nerve, the cheek, not to mention the balls to tell Wenger what to do with his money and his staff, and then just wander off up north to Manchester "for trophies"?

There was no 'one man team' business last year. He is a striker. It is his job. And he was very good at it. Finishing off the great work done by Szczesny and Vermaelen at the back and Arteta and Walcott in attack. Van Persie should have had at least another 3 or 4 seasons like the last one. And with the somehow insufficient 'ambition' of signing Podolski, Cazorla and Giroud, we may well have got 3 or 4 more out of him.

The chances are we may have won a trophy had he never been injured but we'll never know. There's no denying when he did play, he was on a different level to other strikers. But no way does he have the right to hold a showdown talk with the Boss, the greatest one this club has ever seen, and give demands in order to sign a contract. No-one is bigger than the club.

Since May of this year, it's been pretty clear. The relationship with the fans, the manager and probably some of the players, went downhill. Inconclusive interviews, refusing to go on the Asia tour - while still captain of the club - he was going back to being a brat. Had he gone to Juventus he may have left us on positive note. But Manchester United? After 7 years on the sidelines and one on the pitch you think you deserve a move to our rivals, Manchester United? Don't you think you should give the club, the fans, Arsene Wenger something back?

Robin obviously didn't think so. And with that, the question of respect was put to Arsene as he prepares to face us for the first time, "I think he will get the reception I hope for" was his response. Given Arsene's a very clever man, I think we can all assume that he is hoping RVP gets the coldest reception of his life.

To put it simply, Robin, if you don't show the club respect, we won't show you any back. 

Come On You Reds!


  1. RVP to be booed tomorrow, i know i certainly will be when he gets the ball, cmonn Arsenall!!!!


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