Ruining The Beautiful Game

So you thought FIFA was run by idiots? Ha, try UEFA. They're run by one idiot alone that is at least twice as crazy as their Swiss counterparts. Clearly still reeling from France's disastrous showing at the last World Cup, Michel Platini has decided to take his anger out on all football fans by creating ludicrous ideas and, even worse, implementing them. Today saw the first of what could be several ridiculous proposals put forward by the bumbling Frenchman, and it hasn't gone down well with me.

When the idea of a selection of 'hosts' for a European Championship was first brought up, I'm guessing that most people would have thought "It'll never happen, don't worry about it". But now, it is, as UEFA announced Euro 2020 will be held pretty much everywhere. This situation has been made worse by the fact that it was only last week that Platini suggested the Champions League would be doubled in size. What on earth is he thinking?

I wonder what is going to happen next. If this catches on (it better not), before you know it, we'll have the World Cup Final randomly held in Baghdad. There's no way it can work. Having a host nation is part of the tournament. It's what makes it unique, in many ways. With this awful excuse of 'reinvention', we lose that completely. It'll be no more exciting for fans than a dodgy away trip to Azerbaijan where they have to leg it from the stadium after the match to grab a taxi to the airport. There's no time to explore and enjoy the cities and the surroundings as the football spirit engulfs the country and their people. It's what makes an experience for the fans that is like no other.

And what about for the players? "And England are through after their second round match in Greece, now they're off to their quarter-final in Iceland in four days time". What kind of incentive would that be? Players would be exhausted, even if they weren't playing football in between flights! Where would they train between games; usually they book out entire hotels for a Euro or World Cup campaign and instead they'll be on-the-go constantly. There are words yet to be created that don't even describe the hilarity and absurdity of this mess.

As for the needless, but as yet, still hypothetical, revamping of the Champions League, don't get me started. This means the teams at the bottom end of the Europa League will most likely be paired up with the giants of European football, and we'll just end up with the same lot at the latter stages, anyway. There's absolutely nothing in it for the smaller teams, no incentive, no gain, no point. And surely, turning a 32-team competition into a 64-team one would take about twice as long? This is just madness. I can't even begin to comprehend what the game of football could be about to become.

Someone get this French pillock out of football please, and quick. Mon Dieu...
