Show Us The Money

What frustrating times these are. A summer of promised delves into the transfer market like never before has, as yet, failed to bring desired results at Arsenal. And as the Emirates Cup returns this weekend after a year-long absence, it was thought that there may be some new superstars to see at The Emirates in the flesh for the very first time. Sadly, apart from the customary free French import, this summer is still to keep us waiting for a new hero as the season draws ever closer.

When I bought tickets to the Emirates Cup's first double-header (tomorrow), I was under the clear impression that our squad would have been substantially added to. I wasn't expecting Wenger to splash the cash all over the place, but at least one big name would have been all to satisfy me. Yet, after countless rumours and close calls with various star names, none have become reality. We even face the agonising prospect of coming up against a player in Gonzalo Higuain, who was so, so close - or so it had seemed - to joining us, and will now be wearing Napoli's blue instead of Arsenal's red tomorrow (although I have the sneaking suspicion we'll wear yellow).

We are now over halfway through the transfer window and the much-needed arrivals are yet to surface. You have to ask what Wenger, Gazidis and co. have been up to since July. They couldn't do anything while over in Asia, but at the very least - progress would have sufficed until now to keep the fans happy. 

A plethora of players have been linked to the club this summer though not one sure-fire deal. Thankfully, Wenger said today that we are working hard for Luis Suarez, which restores a bit of faith, though judging social media, not everyone reacted positively to the news. 

The good thing about Suarez is we can afford to wait until the September 2 deadline thanks to his ban for cannibalism, although we could play him in our Champions League qualifiers which could be pretty tricky in about 3 weeks' time. Meanwhile, other targets must be pursued, and with a bit more urgency. 

If Suarez was to be our only signing - as great as he would be - that wouldn't be enough for me to say we can push for the title. A midfielder is needed. Another winger (replacing Gervinho) is needed. A centre-back wouldn't hurt. Wenger needs to pull his proverbial finger out of his proverbial backside and sign them up before a European giant sneaks in - and fast.

I find it incredible how we've been waiting so long for the season to begin and just as it starts to get close, I suddenly want an extra few days, even weeks, just so Arsenal can add to their weaponry. Despite all of these gossip columns saying otherwise, I just can't sense we're anywhere near any other transfer targets and that has me worried sick. We can't afford another season like the last two, we just can't, not with all the money there. 

We have every right to be angry about this snail-paced progress we are making - because the clock is ticking, and every passing day makes transfers - big transfers - less and less likely to materialise. I just hope - and it's a massive hope - that Wenger's got something special up his sleeve.
