A Whirlwind Month

What a couple of weeks I've had. I haven't had the time to update this page for a while now, and that's down to adjusting to life at University. 

Feeling more at home now, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to the highs and lows of being a undergraduate student. This will be the other way around for everybody else, but, now that fresher's week (which was technically fresher's fortnight, much to my displeasure), is over, I am now starting to enjoy myself.

I've spent better £50.

I do realise that this is a football blog, though I do think there lies a certain degree of importance of knowing more about the man behind the computer screen, who attempts valiantly, every week or so, to entertain your good selves with what I have to offer in terms of footballing knowledge, opinion and very rarely, wit and tasteful humour.

So do bear with me as I go through this fairly vital period of transition as there are a few things I'd like to get off my chest via the interweb before my normal service is resumed. After all, it's always important that the writer and the reader are on the same page. 

And whereas it's fairly likely I won't be looking back on this post with any particular fondness, I would be very grateful to have peace of mind knowing that you know where I'm coming from during these potentially, if not inevitably rocky times in my life.

As some of you will know, I'm not a fan of clubs and getting drunk (or s***-faced, as the regulars call it). To proceed drinking when no longer feeling thirsty, with the intention of being quite frankly, a nuisance to everyone around you, while most probably regurgitating either ill-advised things you wished you'd never said or done, or just good, old-fashioned puke, makes no logical sense to me whatsoever. And with that awful music to boot, good grief. 

Not forgetting, of course, the even more ridiculous and nonsensical desire to do it all over again for two weeks straight which only minimises the sympathy from the typically sober types, such as myself. 

Note: This is me

The point I am (eventually) getting to is that I've had to (in an attempt - in vain - to obtain a social life) be around people enjoying themselves without feeling the same. After freaking out (a sight to behold, I've been told) over shots of Malibu, Carling and vodka, I'd had enough.

Cue a few nights of boredom just to ensure I definitely never have to go through that again. Boredom at university compared to at home is very, very different - and not in a positive sense. Whilst being bored at home, I have various games consoles, magazines and the Internet at my disposal; at university, I have literally nothing. And as much as I cherished my intermittent on-line connection, it was the most infuriating thing to contend with in times of sheer desperation. 

These nights of boredom can get you down, too. I didn't want to go home, and I didn't want to stay in. Everyone's out in the clubs, and the student bar's as dead as the evening entertainment (it's international week, remember). It was like I was in my own little personal prison. 

Unfortunately, for me, these, what seemed endless nights of nothingness took their toll and led to me contracting some stress-related breathing problems, which, after the customary self-diagnosis, convinced myself I would be knock-knock-knocking on heaven's door in no time (not knowing if this would be a good thing).

So, to recap, basically, I haven't been myself lately. But thankfully, I'm at last returning to what I call normality after what has truly been a dodgy few weeks. I've even had lectures in the midst of all that too - bloody university! Ah, and I must not forget to thank you for sticking with me (if you've made it this far down before becoming disengaged with this whole thing).

Oh, and it hasn't been all bad, Arsenal have stayed at the top of the league ever since! Phew. 
Come On You Reds!
