Buy Or Die

Arsenal are 1-0 down to Manchester United in the culmination of a crazy weekend in the Premier League. A win for either side would be unquestionably invaluable.

There are 78 minutes on the clock and Arsenal are slowly but surely, getting closer to breaching United's goal. However, our progress is halted when Arsene Wenger decides to change Santi Cazorla for Nicklas Bendtner in the most degrading substitution of all time.

Rather than dedicate this post to the enigma that is Nicklas Bendtner (which I would happily do), I think that his latest woeful appearance in an Arsenal shirt is the most effective way to highlight, for all that has been going for us this season, one factor alone that could see our hopes of a trophy this season go up in unsympathetic smoke.

Just to please all the United fans out there, the reason we lost was because we were poor with our zonal marking (for once, possibly due to Per's absence) and United's gameplan from there on in was faultless.

Otherwise, we were a good match for them on Sunday and more than good value for a draw. And the reason we couldn't draw, even by introducing another striker, was because Wenger has given his 'Great Dane' too many chances. I would much rather have young Chuba Akpom up there as he seems to have the desire and commitment we require.

"World's Greatest" Bendtner's invisible performances this season (all 7 of them) have already cost us in one cup competition this season - how long is it before he lets us down further down the line? I feel this is an issue that is far more urgent than it may seem.

I mean, did you see his attempt to get on the end of Sagna's cross? Tragic.

What is also tragic is that Wenger barely has any choice when it comes to adding more firepower to the attack mid-game. Whereas I would've stuck with Santi given we don't have a game for two weeks (and he's my favourite player), to be fair to Le Prof, desperate times call for desperate measures.

The most significant message to come out of this game was that if Arsenal want any chance of topping the table in May, it is immensely crucial they get into January relatively unscathed. That is one hell of an extremely important transfer window.

The good news is that Arsenal are still clear at the top. If you'd said to any Gooner we'd win two out of the last three games - considering the opposition - they would've taken that without any hesitation.

Also, with all the unpredictable results this week, we've got off fairly lightly. The challenge now is to respond against a flying Southampton side not short of confidence to get going again. All we have done by losing to United is we have made the title race a little more exciting.

It's up to us now to get through the next 7-8 weeks without doing anything careless, and trust Wenger with the money once again - but this time with the pressure even more firmly on his shoulders.

But you know what they say: Arsene Knows.

Come On You Reds!
