Cheer Up, England!

If you have just witnessed the 2014 World Cup Draw and are off to drown your sorrows in an act of knee-jerk pessimism, sadly, you are most probably not alone.

If, however, you are licking your lips at the prospect of some mouth-watering ties (against Luis Suarez at least), along with the sneaking suspicion we might just get out of Group D, then you're my kind of fan.

Okay, let's be honest for a moment; we did not want that group if we could help it. Not only are we facing the possibility of heading to the Amazonian city of Manaus (where Roy Hodgson 'insulted' the Mayor) - though FIFA are now discussing a possible switch of venue - we are also playing quality opposition on what is essentially - in Uruguay's case - home turf.

Now if - and that's a big if - you look at it from another angle, you can, just about, see a positive outlook for England. What? You don't believe me? I'll explain.

Over the past few World Cups (I have tuned into the last three), we have had little to get excited about. This one will be no different, unless, of course, we merely make it past the group stages. 

The way I see it, we're going to have to play the big teams if we're going to get what we really want - the trophy (let's not kid ourselves). So why waste our time in an easy group and getting disappointed in the quarters? Again?

Who knows what wonders await us in the summer? A victory against either Uruguay or Italy would give quite the morale boost. Let's not forget while Italy are a top class team, they have suffered from not turning up for the big occasion - last time out they finished behind New Zealand.

This is a great group. It's like a nightmare from heaven.

So, whereas this may be the death sentence that England were dreading, it could also be the blessing in disguise that we are frankly due (after Frank Lampard's near, near miss in Bloemfontein - which was, incidentally, down to a Uruguayan).

I mean, who doesn't want to see England vs. Italy at a World Cup Finals? They wouldn't have wanted us any more than we did. Plus, they scraped past Uruguay at the Confederations Cup. This group is there for the taking.

I believe our main problem is us. The trouble is, when we're playing well, we think we're the best, and when we're average, we don't have the faintest hope. And we probably don't realise it, but it's got to translate to the players.

You could feel it in the air at the Germany game. We knew we were playing their 'B' side and still thought, deep down, we'd lose.

I don't think we would have got out of our Euro 2012 group with that kind of weight on our shoulders. Fans weren't expectant, but positive. Now it seems we are feeling ever so gloomy from the outset.

A Suarez broken metatarsal would change all that though, I'm sure.

I don't feel like I am personally encapsulating the mood of the nation right now, but it sure as hell won't hurt us to get behind the players. The FA haven't helped with the FA Commission to solve this 'crisis' we're in.

And neither was Jonathan Pearce's commentary tonight. Do lighten up, mate. A ball hasn't been kicked yet.

The stadiums aren't even freakin' built yet. Good grief.

England expects, England has only ever delivered once. Don't kill us off before we get there. Come On England!
