Only Nine Is Fine

It never gets old, does it? Beating Spurs at White Hart Lane had almost become a forgotten thing of the recent past, but yesterday's gutsy win restored our bragging rights and reignited our title challenge.

With nine games to go, it is looking more than ever like a four-horse race to the finish after Chelsea's (hilarious) slip-up and games in hand for everyone else. That "little horses" comment from Jose Mourinho is starting to make sense - the man is a genius!

Arsenal's secured passage to Wembley was dampened a little by yet another European job that proved too much in Munich last week, but nevertheless another they can take heart from, performance-wise.

And boy, did they do just that by grinding out an enormous 1-0 victory over the Enemy. It was pleasantly reminiscent of the heroic manner of performances that got us fourth place last season, which is filling Gooners with fresh enthusiasm ahead of our most vital run-in for years.

That enthusiasm was clear for all to see in the aftermath of our first league win at Spurs since 2008. When I talk about our fans on here, it is generally in a negative fashion, but the post-match celebrations were different class. The "49" song is still in my head.

And it is that kind of passion that can drive - notice I did not use the word "spur" - the team towards a potential double this season. However, all the excitement and optimism surrounding us at the moment could be shot to pieces within a fortnight.

Sorry to suddenly go all doom-and-gloom on you, but I cannot see Arsenal being let back into the title race by others again. We got away with Stoke - for now - but we are into the final straight, and any slowing-down, so to speak, will not go unpunished.

I do not need to tell you why the next two games are especially important to that effect. If we win the next two, against Chelsea and Manchester City, the title is there for the taking.

Chelsea will not be able to catch us (results permitting), while City do not have a lot of time in which to play their three games in hand, plus, they both still have to play Liverpool and the hardest game we have after that is Everton. We nail this "horrible" run of fixtures and suddenly everything is going for us.

As for Liverpool themselves, it is quite simple. All they have to do is merely match us, and if they do, they would deserve to win the league. And it would be done in the right way.I certainly would not have any hard feelings if Liverpool won the league - despite all the "what if" Luis Suarez questions we would ask ourselves for about, well, forever.

Come to think of it, it turned out that they lied about that contract clause. Maybe they do not deserve to win the league, after all (cheeky court case, anyone?).

But we will ask ourselves even more questions about why our current side could not have won it if we blow it within the next two weeks - or even worse, if we blow it after a successful end to March. That would be hard to swallow - even if the number of injuries were to increase even further.

It has been a long, long wait for silverware at Arsenal for us Gooners, so I would not be surprised if talk of a prospective double caused a bit of a shock to the system. Nor would I be if Sunday's ugly win at Spurs put you through the motions mentally and emotionally.

Want to see us win the title? We are all going to have to go through that nine more times.

Come On You Reds!
